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Did you make a living on that?
送交者: usedpen 2008月10月06日13:56:20 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: no need to be cynicalxi11west 于 2008-10-06 11:18:16
If you made a living on that, I am sorry. Otherwise, I would like to recommend you to read the story "the emperor's new cloth" again. Why in the end,only a little child screams out the truth? I don't underestimate their brains since they may well know the truth, however, they have to make a living on that, so they have to join this cheating show and pretend the emperor actually has something on. However, the truth cannot be hidden forever, there is always a child, who is considered to be stupid and irrational, eventually cries the truth.

Actually, I agree with a88 since I don't think the light should be special and above others. Even this idea, was in fact originally proposed by Lorentz. Einstein, if not supported by the financial advantages of Jews, will only end up being a trivial peasant "scientist".
  what's your logic? - xi11west 10/07/08 (207)
    you are a typical physicist - usedpen 10/08/08 (182)
    支持! - rarew 10/07/08 (204)
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