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Insanity defense is the best
送交者: qm 2008月10月24日15:56:03 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 难怪我一开始就觉得杨佳的二审律师怪白字秀才 于 2008-10-24 13:43:18
First, it will not make any difference in CCP's unjust "legal system".

If there is any possibility to save Yang's life, it is the insanity defense. By finding that Yang was insane, even if it is for the moment, the court could not sentence him to death. That's the best possible outcome.

Let's face it: In any legal system, Yang was not supposed to take the justice into his own hand by killing police.

You want the trial to be a forum to condemn the police brutality. However, that may not be the best interest of Yang.
  你不要太自以为是 - 白字秀才 10/24/08 (244)
    Even if the court proves - qm 10/24/08 (216)
      你是个小人 - 白字秀才 10/25/08 (227)
        You still don't get it. - qm 10/26/08 (212)
          If insanity is so usefull, - 白字秀才 10/27/08 (202)
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