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My opinion
送交者: Memelony 2008月11月17日15:19:48 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 英語批判之一:缺乏成熟的作文章法aa88 於 2008-11-17 01:36:54
I think it is a good article. The central idea is that you need to be creative in order to excel at the present day. First author points out that what you need to succeed nowadays is different from 5000 years ago. Then the differential development of Morocco and California was given as an example to illustrate the importance of ideas. Finally the author is trying to envision a novel idea which will be so reasonable, and, also so outrageous at the same time. (My thought: An example will be the movie "The Matrix".) Yet the author can only think of what if the atomic bomb emerge ninety years ago. I think if China had A-bomb at that time, all alien invasion would have ended right away, and the nationalist would be ruling china, perhaps the whole world, until now.
  Totally agree /無內容 - Oldman3 11/18/08 (199)
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