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Do you have any supporters or
送交者: wtxwtx 2016月07月09日09:43:00 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: I did not propose but discoverc_y_lo 於 2016-07-07 21:41:52

Do you have any supporters or any papers published on famous magazine?

Einstan's theories are backstone of modern physics. Your theory, if is correct, would generate unbelievable consequences. What other people think about is very important. I have a PhD classmate who returned to China published a booklet, claiming some new theory, but I paid no attention to it, the reason is very clear: no people believe it for any unmentioned reasons. 

  I have published a paperon .. - c_y_lo 07/10/16 (1850)
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