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They can't handle this truth!
送交者: 言真轻 2009月04月19日08:24:07 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 中国人不能谈哲学xpt 于 2009-04-18 20:07:36
They can't handle this much of truth.

I told them millions of times that there has been no single Chinese ever said anything worth the title. Laozi had only put down a few thousand words in his lifetime and Chinese claim him a great philosopher. If you look at the words Laozi said, you will find whole bunch of nonsense that has nothing to do with philosophy.

For these people who only use a few thousand words in their thinking, it is hard to believe that they can develop anything philosophical. They can't even think comprehensively on things with complexity over the high school level in the US. Some good high school students in US are better thinkers than these top ones in China. So, when they claim anyone of them a philosopher, you don't have to be serious since they are not either. It is just a harmless joke.
    you can't handle the truth too - 言真轻 04/19/09 (230)
  你否定了汉语,他否定了中国人种:配合起来才全面 /无内容 - 空军大院 04/19/09 (243)
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