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Sounds reasonable.but
送交者: seekerMr 2009月05月06日20:19:00 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 湊湊54的熱鬧談民主,政治和基督教國家 於 2009-05-06 19:31:01
Everyone is a sinner in front of God. The sin has rooted into his soul, and outgrown toward perish. The sin is mostly characterized by telling lie, and has brought the world perpole to perish, which is NOT A LITTLE ISUE,BUT THE MOST SEVERE ONE.Therefore, the ideal democracy can not grow on the earth. Spreading the Good News from GOD is the only, significant thing for a Jesus' believer. Caring about politics is not beneficial.

What everyone needs is GOD HIMSELF but Christianity.

I can not understand why many "Christians", if they are true Jesus's followers, are so concerned about the Democracy.
  信仰的不同層面而已 - 基甸恩典 05/06/09 (327)
      你說的很對 - 基甸恩典 05/06/09 (322)
        最近查經心得: - seekerMr 05/06/09 (283)
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