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No doubt, it is
送交者: xpt 2009月05月13日06:32:41 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 三十年來,中國的崛起是不是一個豆腐渣工程?基甸恩典 於 2009-05-13 02:24:28

1. There is no any fundamental progress in humanity and sociology.

2. There is no political new thinking - still "one party for ever".

3. There are no real progress in science and technology and industry. Everything is borrowed and rented or stolen.

As a result, social conscience, personal morality, government effectiveness are all going down; These "soft" areas of society are prepared for a real advance for China.

The political suppression also brought profound distorted change in Chinese thinking and morality development - have you see any big trees grown under the big stone? Some may grow but with many twists and turns.

In other words, China and Chinese will grow into a freak country and freak people!
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