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励志纪实电影 《风雨哈佛路》 (中英双语)
送交者: 挑挑拣拣 2015年03月21日07:07:51 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

风雨哈佛路原作者Liz Murray演讲: For the Love of Possibility


Homeless to Harvard Full Movie - YouTube

风雨哈佛路的剧情简介  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·

Liz Murray成功故事的偶然与必然(评论: 风雨哈佛路) - 豆瓣读书

许多人从电影中认识了Liz Murray和她的故事。许多人为之感动。不论在微博上或是在网络上,许多人把她树立成学习榜样,或努力的楷模,或是美国梦的另种实现形式。当然,这是电影需要的,普通人需要的,报纸需要的,电视台需要,微博需要的,也许还是哈佛需要的。 
在中国,这是一个“典型”。在美国,这同样是一个“典型”。Liz Murray赚足了人们的眼泪和感动,也让更多人心中热乎了一下,温暖了一下,决心发奋图强,不去网吧,不去酒吧,好好学习。也让苦哀哀的白领们能够振奋一下,抛开房子、车子、票子的烦恼,去好好工作一些时候。更让那些啃着“红宝书”想去哈佛的人更加秉烛夜读——一个流浪儿都考上了哈佛,自己凭什么不能? 
但读过Liz Murray写的这本描写自己真实生活的《风雨哈佛路》之后,我就读到了一些Liz光辉后的东西。Liz的故事,确实能够让人反思自己的生活,认识日子的美好,珍惜时间做点有用的事。但Liz的故事,也让人看到了媒体和电视后Liz的另一面,这也关系到Liz的哈佛之路的源头问题。我不禁思考一下,Liz是如何走上一条路,最终到达哈佛的?因为有许多细节是媒体没有提到的,也是电影中没有完整呈现的。 

Liz Murray在DePauw University的演讲实录 

April 6, 2005, Greencastle, Ind. - "It's not about Harvard, it's not about a prestigious school," says Liz Murray of her incredible and uplifting life story, which she shared with an audience at DePauw University tonight. "It's not about that. It's about learning, about educating yourself and gathering enough knowledge to find your way through any little crack or crevice you possibly can so you can move up and escape from that trap you were born into." 
The 24-year-old Murray, who went from living on the streets of New York City to winning a scholarship to Harvard University, delivered The Timothy and Sharon Ubben Lecture, "Homeless to Harvard: A Remarkable Journey," in Kresge Auditorium of DePauw's Performing Arts Center. Working without notes and addressing her audience from the edge of the stage, Murray detailed how she was born to drug-addicted parents, and how as a child, living in squalor, her parents and everyone she knew was living month-to-month on government checks. 
"I didn't even know that people worked when I was younger, 'cause you have to think about -- what does a kid seeing when they're little. I saw that people cashed welfare checks... they were happy to see the mailman, he was like Santa Claus or something or some celebrity -- and we'd go to the check cashing store and there would be a line wrapped around the block for an hour-and-a-half" on the days checks arrived, she remembered. Her parents would spend the bulk of the money on drugs; about $30 a month was all the family of four spent on food, and Murray's parents would go without food for several days at a time. 
Despite the tumultous environment in which she was raised, Murray says she has always loved her parents. Her life, already in disarray, unraveled quickly when her mother was diagnosed with HIV. Her mother moved out, her father went to a homeless shelter, and Murray, then a young teen, was sent to a group home. Her unpleasant experiences there led her to run away and she lived on the streets of New York City, eating out of dumpsters and sleeping at friends' houses or on subway trains, but in her own words, "going nowhere." The year Murray turned 16, her mother died, and her view of life changed. 

"I got the sense that my life was in my own hands," she told her DePauw audience. "And I knew that already, but it's different when a parent dies; maybe some of you know what I mean. You look around and strangers become more strange, big institutional buildings look scarier, everything looks more alien, nothing is friendly. There's no person to think about yourself through. It truly is yourself in the world, and that's it. I realized my own isolation and I realized there never would be somebody to kind of filter me in the world. And I went back with my friends, and without having her to think about anymore -- I mean I did, but not the same way -- I sat with them and I realized that I had been falsely relying on my friends. I realized that, at the end of the day, whatever I did or did not do with my life would stick to me, even if I hung out with them." 
Murray, whose story is chronicled in the Lifetime Emmy-nominated movie, From Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story, enrolled in an alternative high school at age 17; when most of the people her age were graduating, she was starting. Guided by an understanding teacher/mentor and fueled by a desire to make something of her life, Murray finished high school in two years while still sleeping where she could find a place to lay her head at night. When she visited Harvard on a school trip, a seed was planted. Murray applied for a New York Times scholarship and was one of six students selected out of the thousands of applicants. A story profiling the scholarship winners was published on the cover of the Times' metro section. 
"I really didn't understand the power of the media before that, but I found out," Murray said with a chuckle. "You know [that] New Yorkers have this reputation for being really cold, right? Well, the readers of the newspaper came out of their houses around [the school] and brought me sweaters and clothing their kids weren't using anymore. Some lady came just to give me a hug! Another came just with some cookies, then she said to me, 'I don't have any money, Liz, but I have a stationwagon and a house. Do you have any laundry?,' she asked me. 'I just want to do your laundry.'" 
Murray's story was featured on ABC's 20/20 and she was a guest of Oprah Winfrey, becoming the first recipient of the talk show host's Chutzpah Award. Murray transferred from Harvard to Columbia University to be closer to her father, who is ill. She had been studying film, but after talking about her experiences in front of audiences around the nation and the world over the past few years. "My interests broadened because I realize that I have certain insights based on what had happened to me, and I had this opportunity to share with people and go back-and-forth and maybe draw some meaning out of it." She now has her sights set on a masters degree in sociology and psychology hoping to "understand what creates motivation in a human being and how to apply that in society. Is there a way to create upward mobility? Is there a way to break class differences?," she asked. Murray's ultimate goal is to create a coaching and seminar company that will work with groups, perhaps specializing in inner-city schools.  "Instead of just speaking about my life, I want that to be a footnote, and I want to offer strategies to people." 

励志哥追梦: 中国合伙人


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