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The Rig Veda《ㄖㄨㄟㄍㄜㄨㄟㄉㄚ》試譯-6
送交者: 比較政策 2016年08月12日20:14:56 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

BOOK The Tenth HYMN V. Agni.第十捲曲5、ㄚㄍㄜㄋㄧ火神[1]

1】 He only is the Sea, holder of treasures: born many a time he views the hearts within us.

He hides him in the secret couple's bosom. The Bird dwells in the middle of the fountain.


2】 Inhabiting one dwelling-place in common, strong Stallions and the Mares have come together.

The sages guard the seat of Holy Order, and keep the highest names concealed within them.


3】 The Holy Pair[6], of wondrous power, have coupled: they formed the Infant, they who bred produced him.

The central point of all that moves and moves not, the while they wove the Sage's thread with insight.


4】 For tracks of Order[8] and refreshing viands attend from ancient times the goodly Infant.

Wearing him as a mantle, Earth and Heaven grow strong by food of pleasant drink and fatness.


5】 He, calling loudly to the Seven red Sisters, hath, skilled in sweet drink, brought them to be looked on.

He, born of old, in middle air hath halted, and sought and found the covering robe of Pusan.


6】 Seven are the pathways which the wise have fashioned; to one of these may come the troubled mortal.

He standeth in the dwelling of the Highest, a Pillar, on sure ground where paths are parted.


7】 Not Being, Being in the highest heaven, in Aditi's bosom and in Daksa's birthplace,

Is Agni, our first-born of Holy Order, the Milch-cow and the Bull in life's beginning.



[1] Ralph T.H. Griffith trans. Quality Paperback Book Club, New York, 1992.  http://www.hinduwebsite.com/sacredscripts/rig_veda_book_10.asp  ,我改正了很少的拼寫失誤。這一首詩頌隱晦難懂,各種譯文有很不相同的解釋。

[2] 不同的版本譯法不同,這裡從簡,按照Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. p.525.翻譯。

[3] 英譯版注釋:天和地。

[4] 英譯版注釋:太陽。

[5] 按照Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.117.翻譯。

[6] 英譯版注釋:天和地。

[7] Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. p.525. Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.117.都有 “make him grow”.

[8] truth真理。Wendy Doniger trtans. The Rig Vade: An Anthology,Penguin Books, 1981. P.117.

[9] 英譯本注釋:其中火焰的姿勢。

[10] 太陽。

[11] 按照Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Pondicherry, India, 1952. p.527.翻譯。

[12] 眾神以及各種存在之母。

[13] ㄚㄉㄧㄊㄧ的輪迴重生。

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