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sonnet XIII (三劝言真轻, 结合一劝和二劝)
送交者: 要饭花子 2009年04月05日15:30:30 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
resolved to search for truth of humankind you wrongly come to woo your inner beast the monster quickly tangles your feeble mind so that you look askance at Mighty East with heavily twisted logic and math you strive to shame Chinese and the Chinese the argument so forged is filled with wrath yourself a lesser man your blurred eye sees thus truth is saddened by your silly fit with loving heart and words it lectures you a golden time to whet your withered wit and yet you refuse to repent and rue we still love you though you've yourself disgraced falsehood may drown you, which you've blindly chased
  逻辑请 - 要饭花子 04/05/09 (268)
    你还是找他吧,我不是这一行,不敢妄加评论。  /无内容 - 逻辑 04/05/09 (275)
      请问逻辑, 你的强项在哪? 是逻辑?  /无内容 - 要饭花子 04/05/09 (214)
        基本上没有强项,抱歉。  /无内容 - 逻辑 04/06/09 (168)
      我已三次劝言。 往言三思。  /无内容 - 要饭花子 04/05/09 (175)
  你是劝他,还是秀你的英语诗?  /无内容 - 逻辑 04/05/09 (121)
    两层意思 - 要饭花子 04/05/09 (141)
  把抑扬(弱强音)又修理了一下 - 要饭花子 04/05/09 (108)
    不瞒你说, 我当时在卢森堡之所以没有拿学位 - 要饭花子 04/05/09 (141)
  言真轻,为了劝你, 我把考大学的力气都使出来了。哈。  /无内容 - 要饭花子 04/05/09 (224)
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