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I am NOT 笪缑!
送交者: Laozhuang2009 2009年05月05日10:18:18 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
After sending out my last post to the site, a few website readers think that I may be 笪缑 who is writing under a different pen name. I here solemnly declare that I am NOT 笪缑. The reason why I am mistaken for笪缑 may be because 笪缑 and I are two normal human beings who think with a rational mind and write in decent English. Both he and I are incapable of writing in that admirably creative English pioneered by Mr. Yan Zhenqing and Xpt. Both Mr. Yan and Mr. Xpt should be awarded a Nobel Prize for creating a new English language. Unfortunately, such a prize has not been created yet. Isn't it a great irony that Mr. Yan, who considers English superior to Chinese language, cannot write in that superior English language and has to write in their innovative New English. Their superb creation is indebted to Chinese.
  I am still suspicious of your - littelfat 05/05/09 (268)
    e.g. the word - littelfat 05/05/09 (212)
    or coincidental  /无内容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (151)
    言妹妹,你撒娇的样子真迷人  /无内容 - 傻姑爷 05/05/09 (395)
      早知道你这么傻就不把A8嫁给你了,应把臭脚丫许给你!嘿。。  /无内容 - 言真轻 05/05/09 (416)
        言妹妹,你的风采真美!真好看。哥哥喜欢  /无内容 - 傻姑爷 05/05/09 (421)
          你大爷我是敲猪的,别往我这蹭,OK?  /无内容 - 言真轻 05/05/09 (453)
            真喜欢看你撒娇 - 傻姑爷 05/05/09 (205)
            言妹妹,你的风采真美!真好看。哥哥喜欢  /无内容 - 傻姑爷 05/05/09 (457)
              小胖,这才是猴子呢!不信你去问斑竹,肯定是他! - 言真轻 05/05/09 (466)
                妹妹不可乱说,哥哥不高兴了。 - 傻姑爷 05/05/09 (206)
                shanghai  /无内容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (235)
                But I am not sure if Monkey - littelfat 05/05/09 (300)
                  perfect  /无内容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (217)
                It's certainly a possibility  /无内容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (186)
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