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中國學術評價網學術不端行為評議團公告(第7號) --關於方舟
送交者: Tse 2011年02月01日09:23:38 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
中國學術評價網學術不端行為評議團公告(第7號) --關於方舟子抄襲案(第3號) 
作者: 柯華
日期: February 01, 2011 10:07AM



中國學術評價網版主 柯華




被抄襲人英文維基百科、美國普林斯頓大學物理系、英國聖安德魯斯大學數學和統計學院、《經濟觀察報》、《中國青年報》冰點周刊主編徐百科、《中國青年報》冰點周刊科學版編輯楊芳、《中國青年報》新聞熱點、中國科技大學校友會、黨政辦、生命科學院、團委、研究生院、新聞中心、福建省雲霄縣縣長信箱、雲霄縣委宣傳部網站、雲霄一中、雲霄一中校友會、福建省圖書館讀者活動中心、中國新聞網編輯部、中央電視台、新華社總編室、學術批評網版主、密歇根州立大學學術誠信辦公室、密歇根州立大學主管研究生工作副校長、密歇根州立大學學生報紙主編、被抄襲人Stanton Braude、被抄襲期刊現任主編、美聯社、《科學》雜誌新聞在線、《自然》雜誌新聞編輯、《自然》雜誌Asia-Pacific correspondent、《紐約時報》新聞部、美國《剽竊》(Plagiary )電子雜誌編輯、科學誠信網

China Academic Integrity Review



舉報人對照分析了涉嫌抄襲文章和被抄襲英文資料。評議團成員重複了舉報人的對照分析,認同舉報人的發現:涉嫌抄襲文章不但在行文結構上抄襲了上述英文資料,在修辭上也抄襲了這些資料,特別是Tony Rothman的文章。例如,方舟子文章出現的“《數學大師》的浪漫筆調激勵了許多年輕人投身於數學研究,” 明顯抄襲自 Tony Rothman引用的Freeman Dyson 的著作:“the romantic prose of E.T. Bell's Men of Mathematics, …has awakened many people of my generation to the beauties of mathematics… The legend … has fired the imagination of generations of mathematics students.”(Disturbing the Universe,New York: Harper and Row, 1979, p14.)。
評議團還注意到,正如舉報人指出的,涉嫌抄襲文章中出現了數處誤讀資料導致的錯誤。評議人同意: 被舉報人抄襲的資料是由用戶自由編輯的百科全書性質的文件,屬於第二手資料。假如被舉報人是根據原始文獻寫成的文章,不可能出現那些常識性錯誤。鑑於被舉報人沒有證明他直接參考了原始文獻,評議團只能斷定他間接使用了第二手資料。無論是使用原始文獻還是二手資料,被舉報人都必須說明自己的資料來源,而被舉報人沒有這樣做。



China Academic Integrity Review


Fang Zhouzi’s plagiarism Case #3

The Verdict

February 1, 2011

Dr. Ke Hua,

On 01/12/2011, Dr. Ke Hua, the coordinator of China Academic Integrity Review called on a three person panel (the Panel) to review the complaint filed by Mr. Hong Qiao (the Complainant) that Dr. Fang Zhouzi, (the Accused) in his essay“A well-known Case in the History of Science: The Death of Galois,”published on 03/30/2009 in Economic Observation copied the relevant entry of Wikipedia, an on-line encyclopedia, and relevant webpage of Princeton University, the United States, and San Andrews University, the United Kingdom. See the Suspected Plagiarism Case No. 3, at [www.2250s.com]. The Panel involved one individual, who holds a PhD in behavioral science, an individual who holds a PhD in Chemistry, and an individual who has engaged in legal profession in the United States.
Prior to the review by the Panel, China Academic Integrity Review forwarded the complaint to the Accused , requesting his defense or rebuttal. However, the Accused has not responded to the request.
The Panel members, having individually reviewed the complaint and all corroborating evidence., unanimously agreed that the complainant supplied clear and convincing evidence, which surpassed the standard of preponderance of evidence, and therefore, fulfilled his initial burden of proof as required.
The Complainant provided the essay written by the Accused in the Chinese language and all related sources of information (the Material). The Panel further verified those sources and found them to be accurate and credible. Further, the Panel found that the contents of the essay by the Accused did not extend beyond those sources.
Therefore, the Panel established that it is reasonable to review the complaint and determine whether the Accused copied the Material without attribution to the sources, or whether his act as displayed in his essay constituted that of plagiarism, by comparing his essay and the Material.
The complainant compared and analyzed the essay by the Accused and Material he allegedly plagiarized. The Panel repeated the same approach and came to concur with the Complainant’s finding: The Accused in his essay not only copied above mentioned Material in terms of textual construction, but also rhetorical elements, particularly the essay by Tony Rothman. For example, in his essay, the Accused put: “The romantic prose inspired many young people to engage in the study of mathematics. Obviously, this passage was lifted from Tony Rothma’s quotation from Freeman Dyson’s work as the following : “the romantic prose of E.T. Bell’s Men of Mathematics, ... has awakened many people of my generation to the beauties of mathematics. ... The legend ... has fired the imagination of generations of mathematics students.”(Disturbing the Universe,New York: Harper and Row, 1979, p14.)
The Panel further established that most sentences and phrases which the Accused constructed in his essay were sufficiently similar, if not identical, to the Material, so as to lead to the determination that those sentences and phrases were copied from the Material. Some paragraphs appeared different, but were obviously translated from the Material. Whether those paragraphs were copied or translated, the Accused should have properly acknowledged the sources. However, the Accused did not do so. Therefore, the Accused’s act as displayed in his essay constituted plagiarism.
The Panel also noted that, as the complainant observed, the Accused made several errors in his essay as a result of his misreading of the Material. The panel concurred with the Complainant that the Material the Accused copied remained secondary sources. If the Accused relied on primary sources while writing his essay, he would have not made such “common sense” errors. However, in light of the fact that the Accused made no indication that he ever used any primary sources, the Panel could only come to the conclusion that he only indirectly relied on secondary sources. Further, no matter whether he used primary sources or secondary sources, the Accused was expected to acknowledge his sources. However, the Accused failed to do so.
Finally, the Panel established that the Accused’s plagiarism, which appeared like a translation, but carried no acknowledgement of his sources, may be seen as a classical example of “interlingual plagiarism.”
China’s copyright laws, and relevant laws and regulations in the United States and the United Kingdom all have similar provisions concerning translations of foreign language works. These laws and regulations all stipulate similarly that verbatim, unacknowledged translation, with no attribution given to the original author constitute plagiarism and violation of the author’s copyright. In this connection, the Panel urges Dr. Ke Hua to notify relevant organizations of Mr. Fang’s violation of copyright laws.

The Academic Misconduct Assessment Panel
China Academic Integrity Review

About Us
China Academic Integrity Review (AIR-China) is formed by a group of Chinese scholars from all over the world after the world-astonishing event involving internationally-acclaimed urologist Xiao Chuanguo and self-assumed science cop Fang Zhouzi. Our mission is to safeguard Chinese scholars’ human dignity, academic reputation, and legal rights from harassment, intimidation, threats, and terror by a certain transnational internet group, as well as from unwarranted and baseless attacks by laypersons who are not in the academic circle but use anonymous posts on the internet and/or sensational journalism to belittle Chinese scholars' achievements. We provide a platform for scholars to express their views on related issues.

Link to Certificate of Plagiarism for Fang Zhouzi: [www.2250s.com]


【說明: 2011年1月1日下午9:59(北京時間),本人以《就〈科學史上著名公案——數學天才伽羅華之死〉一文涉嫌抄襲的通知》為題,給方舟子發出如下郵件:







亦明 謹上






[1] [en.wikipedia.org]
[2] [www.physics.princeton.edu]
[3] [www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk]







不僅結構雷同,而且方舟子對《數學大師》一書中段落的選擇以及對《數學大師》那“浪漫”的形容也與[2]完全一致。由此再說“公案”的構思是原創就很難說得通了,因為不可能你和人家都恰好讀了相同的一段,都覺得很浪漫,都看到了它對年輕人的激勵。通過下面對文字的比較我們會看到方舟子的確是看到了[2]的。對人家這麼動人的開頭方舟子拿來就用,使得讀者以為是方舟子看出了《數學大師》的浪漫筆調,以為自己是被方舟子的文字所感動,這不是對讀者的欺騙還是什麼呢?用方舟子的話說:“何謂創作?就跟research paper一樣,必須是真正屬於自己的東西是也,即使英雄所見略同,也絕不會大段大段的相似。整段抄別人的,如果不註明,甚至連個引號都不用,在讀者看來,自然而然會把它當成你自己的東西,被揭發出來,就是抄襲:第一侵害了原作者,第二欺騙了讀者,第三騙取了名聲”。我們已經看到了,“公案”前四段的寫法抄襲了[2],接着三段的寫法抄襲了[1],而剩餘的三段則是由[1,2,3]中的其它部分拼湊而成。按照方舟子的原則,“公案”當屬剽竊無疑。現在回過頭來看,“公案”的雜亂無章正是這種拼湊的結果。



1832年5月30日清晨,伽羅華在決鬥中被擊中腹部,被路過的農民送往醫院。第二天早晨10點他死於醫院,臨終前拒絕接受神甫的祈禱,對他的弟弟阿爾佛 雷德說:“不要哭,阿爾佛雷德!我需要全部的勇氣在20歲時死去。”
On 30 May 1832, early in the morning, he was shot in the abdomen and died the following day at ten in the Cochin hospital (probably of peritonitis) after refusing the offices of a priest. He was 20 years old. His last words to his brother Alfred were: Don't cry, Alfred! I need all my courage to die at twenty.

但是到了1830年,議會中的自由派占了多數,查理十世面臨被廢黜的危險,於是他在這一年的7月頒布敕令,這激起了街頭革命。查理十世被迫遜位,議會推舉 路易-菲利浦繼承王位。
and by 1830 the opposition liberal party became the majority. Charles, faced with abdication, staged a coup d'état, and issued his notorious July Ordinances, touching off the July Revolution which ended with Louis-Philippe becoming king.

伽羅華高舉匕首高呼“為路易-菲利浦國王乾杯”,第二天以“企圖暗殺國王”的罪名被捕。一個多月後被宣告無罪獲釋。7月14日“巴士底日”(後來的法國國 慶節)那天,伽羅華身穿炮兵隊制服,攜帶步槍、手槍和匕首,與法律系的學生杜沙特雷一起帶領群眾在街上示威,再次被捕,被判入獄6個月。1832年4月 29日伽羅華獲釋。
Galois proposed a toast to King Louis-Philippe with a dagger above his cup, which was interpreted as a threat against the king's life. He was arrested the following day, but was later acquitted on June 15. On the following Bastille Day, Galois was at the head of a protest, wearing the uniform of the disbanded artillery, and came heavily armed with several pistols, a rifle, and a dagger. For this, he was again arrested, this time sentenced to six months in prison for illegally wearing a uniform. He was released on April 29, 1832.

方舟子曾明確指出:“有可能構成語句方面的剽竊的是那些有特異性、有一定的長度的語句,由不同的人來書寫會有不同的表述,不可能獨立地碰巧寫出雷同的句子”。 看了上面的例子,方舟子會說什麼呢?

方舟子對抄襲質疑曾這樣回答:“說是“翻譯”,就請把我翻譯的“原文”給列出來一一做個對比,看我是如何“翻譯”的,否則乃是地地道道的無中生有的誹 謗”,“請松鼠會具體地證明我哪篇文章是“直接是英語文章翻過來的”。我指控別人抄襲,都是列出了證據的,... 松鼠會想要反過來指控我抄襲,也應該學着證明之,可別自己抄襲英語文章抄慣了,就想當然地以為別人也難免和你一樣”。對這次抄襲質疑,方舟子的這個回答已 經不再管用了。筆者期待方舟子能給出一個更有創意的辯解,以娛樂廣大網民。

最後指出“公案”中的一個小錯誤:“其實她是伽羅華出獄後居住的旅店的醫生的女兒”。看了這句話讀者肯定會感到奇怪,旅店要醫生幹什麼?WiKi的原文是 the daughter of the physician at the hostel where Galois remained during the final months of his life。如果把hostel當成旅店那是典型的望文生義。在WiKi上查hostel我們可以看到In a few countries, the word hostel sometimes also refers to establishments providing longer-term accommodation (often to specific classes of clientèle such as nurses, students, drug addicts, court defendants on bail) where the hostels are sometimes run by Housing Associations and charities. 如果方舟子認真一點,從[2,3]就可以看到事實上為了避免霍亂伽羅華和其它犯人們被安置到這個hostel(當時伽羅華並未被釋放),而那裡有個醫生。 這個例子也從一個側面證明了方舟子對他寫的這個故事一無所知,因此文章不可能是他的原創。

這種文章,只要讀得懂英文就可以寫, 像這樣翻譯外文資料,拼湊起來就當成自己的文章的,在當前中國學界,是並不罕見的現象。


如果真的只有一小部分抄襲,甚至只抄了一、兩段的話,就不能算抄襲嗎?答案是否定的。2002年,美國著名歷史學家安布羅斯的一本暢銷著作被發現有幾小段 直接抄自另一位歷史學家的著作,雖然他用腳註註明了出處,還是全美輿論大嘩,被指控是抄襲。可見,即使註明了出處也必須對引用別人的部分用自己的語言進行 複述,才不會被視為抄襲。


附件 1. 文字的對比

其中最令人心酸的莫過於對在20歲時死於決鬥的法國數學天才伽羅華的描寫:在決鬥的前夜(1832年5月29日晚),伽羅華預料到自己將會死去,通宵達旦 奮筆疾書,與時間賽跑,力圖把他的所有數學成果紀錄下來,時不時在一旁寫下“我沒有時間”、“我沒有時間”。貝爾說:“他在黎明前那些絕望的最後時刻寫下 的東西,將會使一代代數學家忙上幾百年。”“他一勞永逸地發現了一個折磨了數學家幾個世紀的謎團的答案:在什麼條件下一個方程有解?” The most memorable chapter ... describes the life and death of the French mathematician Galois, who was killed in a duel at the age of twenty. ... All night long he had spent the fleeting hours feverishly dashing off his scientific last will and testament, writing against time to glean a few of the great things in his teeming mind before the death he saw could overtake him. Time after time he broke off to scribble in the margin "I have not time; I have not time," and passed on to the next frantically scrawled outline. What he wrote in those last desperate hours before the dawn will keep generations of mathematicians busy for hundreds of years. He had found, once and for all, the true solution of a riddle which had tormented mathematicians for centuries: underwhat conditions can an equation be solved?[2]

《數學大師》的浪漫筆調激勵了許多年輕人投身於數學研究,the romantic prose of E.T. Bell's Men of Mathematics, ... has awakened many people of my generation to the beauties of mathematics. ... The legend ... has fired the imagination of generations of mathematics students.[2]
後來的科普文章在介紹伽羅華時也多沿用貝爾的描述。Much of the drama surrounding the legend of his death has been attributed to one source, Eric Temple Bell's Men of Mathematics.[1]
被20世紀著名數學家赫曼•威爾稱為“可能是人類全部文獻中最重大的一篇文稿”。 Hermann Weyl, one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century, said of this testament, "This letter, if judged by the novelty and profundity of ideas it contains, is perhaps the most substantial piece of writing in the whole literature of mankind."[1]

群論的創建足以使數學家忙上幾百年,但並非一夜之間的事。Galois had indeed helped to create a field which would keep mathematicians busy for hundreds of years but not "in those last desperate hours before the dawn."[2]
自17歲起伽羅華就在從事這方面的研究,並寫了幾篇論文, Galois had been submitting papers on the subject since the age of 17.[2]
他的遺書中的相當篇幅是在為這些論文做注釋和更正。至於那句著名的“我沒有時間”,則只在遺書手稿的旁邊注釋中出現了一次:“要完成這個證明還需要做些工 作。我沒有時間。” During the course of the night he annotated and made corrections to some of his papers. He comes across a note ... writes directly beneath it: "There are a few things left to be completed in this proof. I have not the time". This famous inscription appears only once [2]

1832年5月30日清晨,伽羅華在決鬥中被擊中腹部,被路過的農民送往醫院。第二天早晨10點他死於醫院,臨終前拒絕接受神甫的祈禱,對他的弟弟阿爾佛 雷德說:“不要哭,阿爾佛雷德!我需要全部的勇氣在20歲時死去。”On 30 May 1832, early in the morning, he was shot in the abdomen and died the following day at ten in the Cochin hospital (probably of peritonitis) after refusing the offices of a priest. He was 20 years old. His last words to his brother Alfred were: Don't cry, Alfred! I need all my courage to die at twenty.[1] Evariste Galois confronted an adversary in a duel to be fought with pistols, and was shot through the stomach. Hours later, lying wounded and alone, Galois was found by a passing peasant. [2]
但是阿爾佛雷德認為他是被謀殺的, Alfred Galois, unjustifiably in his view, did maintain that his older brother was murdered.[2]

他生活在法國歷史上一個動盪不安的歷史時期。Galois lived during a time of political turmoil in France.[1]
1815年,拿破崙在滑鐵盧慘敗後,法王路易十八復位,1824年路易十八死後,由其弟弟查理十世繼位。The year 1815 saw the famous one hundred days. Napoleon entered Paris on March 20, was defeated at Waterloo on 18 June and abdicated for the second time on 22 June. Louis XVIII was reinstated as King but died in September 1824, Charles X becoming the new King.[3]
但是到了1830年,議會中的自由派占了多數,查理十世面臨被廢黜的危險,於是他在這一年的7月頒布敕令,這激起了街頭革命。查理十世被迫遜位,議會推舉 路易-菲利浦繼承王位。and by 1830 the opposition liberal party became the majority. Charles, faced with abdication, staged a coup d'état, and issued his notorious July Ordinances, touching off the July Revolution which ended with Louis-Philippe becoming king.[1]

“七月革命”爆發時,伽羅華正在巴黎師範學校讀書,該校校長為阻止學生上街作戰,關閉校門,使伽羅華失去參加革命的機會。伽羅華在報上發表來信攻擊校長, 被開除。 The July revolution of 1830 reared its head. The Director of l'Ecole Normale, M. Guigniault, locked the students in so that they would not be able to fight on the streets. Galois ... in doing so missed the revolution. ... Galois saw his chance for attack and jumped into the squabble with a blistering letter to the Gazette des Ecoles. ... the result is what might have been anticipated: Galois was expelled.[2]
在正式被開除之前,伽羅華已離開學校,參加擁護共和的國民衛隊炮兵隊,Even before his expulsion from Normale was to take effect on January 4, 1831, Galois joined the staunchly Republican artillery unit of the National Guard.[1]
並加入當時最激進的秘密革命組織“人民之友社”。 Galois probably joined the Society of Friends of the People, one of the most extreme republican secret societies [2]
不久,政府解散國民衛隊炮兵隊,並逮捕其19名軍官,指控他們陰謀推翻政府。這些軍官後被無罪釋放。1831年5月9日,在慶祝這些軍官獲釋的宴會上,伽 羅華高舉匕首高呼“為路易-菲利浦國王乾杯”,第二天以“企圖暗殺國王”的罪名被捕。一個多月後被宣告無罪獲釋。7月14日“巴士底日”(後來的法國國慶 節)那天,伽羅華身穿炮兵隊制服,攜帶步槍、手槍和匕首,與法律系的學生杜沙特雷一起帶領群眾在街上示威,再次被捕,被判入獄6個月。1832年4月29 日伽羅華獲釋,1個月後就迎來了那場致命的決鬥。on December 31, 1830,the artillery of the National Guard was disbanded out of fear that they might destabilize the government. At around the same time, nineteen officers of Galois' former unit were arrested and charged with conspiracy to overthrow the government.In April, all nineteen officers were acquitted of all charges, and on May 9, 1831, a banquet was celebrated in their honor, ... Galois proposed a toast to King Louis-Philippe with a dagger above his cup, which was interpreted as a threat against the king's life. He was arrested the following day, but was later acquitted on June 15. On the following Bastille Day, Galois was at the head of a protest, wearing the uniform of the disbanded artillery, and came heavily armed with several pistols, a rifle, and a dagger. For this, he was again arrested, this time sentenced to six months in prison for illegally wearing a uniform. He was released on April 29, 1832 ... A month after his release, on May 30, was Galois' fatal duel. [1]

其實她是伽羅華出獄後居住的旅店的醫生的女兒。伽羅華為了她主動挑起決鬥。和伽羅華決鬥的人是誰?伽羅華在遺書中說約他決鬥的是兩名“愛國者”。根據大仲 馬的回憶錄,決鬥者是當初被捕的19名軍官之一德艾爾賓維爾。但是根據決鬥幾天后一家報紙的報道,與伽羅華決鬥的是和他一起被捕的“人民之友社”成員、他 的好友杜沙特雷。 the woman he was in love with was apparently a certain Mademoiselle Stéphanie-Felicie Poterin du Motel, the daughter of the physician at the hostel where Galois remained during the final months of his life ... and this might have prompted him to provoke the duel himself on her behalf. ... As to his opponent in the duel, Alexandre Dumas names Pescheux d'Herbinville, one of the nineteen artillery officers ... However, Dumas is alone in this assertion, and extant newspaper clippings from only a few days after the duel give a description of his opponent which is inconsistent with d'Herbinville, and more accurately describes one of Galois' Republican friends, most probably Ernest Duchatelet, who was also imprisoned with Galois on the same charges.[1]
Galois also writes another, similar letter ... I have been provoked by two patriots [2]
由於是朋友決鬥,所以沒有採取手槍對射的方式,而是採用“俄羅斯輪盤賭”,用槍口互相頂着對方開槍,其中只有一把槍裝着子彈。 because of their old friendship they could not bear to look at one another and left the decision to blind fate. At point-blank range they were each armed with a pistol and fired. Only one pistol was charged ... deciding the outcome by a gruesome version of Russian roulette [2]
第一次是在1829年,在他中學最後一年,提交了關於群論初步研究結果的論文,審稿人是著名數學家柯西。柯西意識到這一論文的重要性,曾在一封信中提及將 在科學院的會議上對之做介紹。但是在那次會議上柯西卻只介紹自己的工作。為何柯西沒有按計劃介紹伽羅華的工作,成了一個謎。有人猜測是因為柯西建議伽羅華 將其研究寫成更完整的論文參加科學院的數學大獎賽。伽羅華於1830年2月提交論文參加該大獎賽,寄給當時科學院終身秘書傅立葉,但傅立葉在5月去世,伽 羅華的論文也沒了着落。On May 25 and June 1, 1829, while still only 17, he submitted to the Academy his first researches on the solubility of equations of prime degree. Cauchy was appointed referee. ... a letter of Cauchy ...proves that ... he had planned to present them to the Academy in January 1830. ... Cauchy was ... very likely aware of their importance. At the following session on 25 January, however, Cauchy, while presenting his own memoir, did not present Galois's work. Taton hypothesizes that between January 18 and January 25, Cauchy persuaded Galois to combine his researches into a single memoir to be submitted for the Grand Prize in Mathematics, for which the deadline was March 1. Whether or not Cauchy actually made the suggestion cannot yet be proved, but in February Galois did submit such an entry to Fourier in his capacity of perpetual secretary of mathematics and physics for the Academy. ... the death of Fourier on May 16, 1830. Galois's entry could not be found among Fourier's papers. [2]
1831年1月,應泊松的邀請,伽羅華再次向科學院投稿。但泊松又以伽羅華的工作無法理解為由退稿。接到退稿時伽羅華正因政治活動入獄,Simeon Poisson asked him to submit his work on the theory of equations, which he submitted on January 17. Around July 4, Poisson declared Galois' work "incomprehensible", ... the rejection report ... took some time for it to reach Galois, which it finally did in October that year, while he was imprisoned. [1]
在一次酒醉後曾試圖用匕首自殺,被同牢犯人制止。While in Sainte-Pélagie prison Galois attempted to commit suicide by stabbing himself with a dagger but the other prisoners prevented him.[3]
有兩、三千名共和黨人參加了他的葬禮。two or three thousand republicans later attended the funeral[2]

Galois's body was interred in a common burial ground of which no trace remains today.[2]

附件 2.


美國數學家埃里克•坦普爾•貝爾在1937年出版了一部至今還在印刷的科普名著《數學大師》,其中最令人心酸的莫過於對在20歲時死於決鬥的法國數學天才 伽羅華的描寫:在決鬥的前夜(1832年5月29日晚),伽羅華預料到自己將會死去,通宵達旦奮筆疾書,與時間賽跑,力圖把他的所有數學成果紀錄下來,時 不時在一旁寫下“我沒有時間”、“我沒有時間”。貝爾說:“他在黎明前那些絕望的最後時刻寫下的東西,將會使一代代數學家忙上幾百年。”“他一勞永逸地發 現了一個折磨了數學家幾個世紀的謎團的答案:在什麼條件下一個方程有解?”

《數學大師》的浪漫筆調激勵了許多年輕人投身於數學研究,甚至成為著名數學家,其中包括諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者約翰•納什。後來的科普文章在介紹伽羅華時也 多沿用貝爾的描述。據稱,伽羅華在這一晚寫就的幾十頁手稿開創了數學一個極為重要的分支——群論,被20世紀著名數學家赫曼•威爾稱為“可能是人類全部文 獻中最重大的一篇文稿”。還有一種說法是,由於伽羅華的不幸早逝,人類數學研究的進展推遲了幾十年。

這些描寫和評論都是為了增添天才早逝的悲劇色彩的誇大其詞。群論的創建足以使數學家忙上幾百年,但並非一夜之間的事。自17歲起伽羅華就在從事這方面的研 究,並寫了幾篇論文,送交法國科學院或在期刊上發表,其中有3篇在1830年發表。他的遺書中的相當篇幅是在為這些論文做注釋和更正。至於那句著名的“我 沒有時間”,則只在遺書手稿的旁邊注釋中出現了一次:“要完成這個證明還需要做些工作。我沒有時間。”

1832年5月30日清晨,伽羅華在決鬥中被擊中腹部,被路過的農民送往醫院。第二天早晨10點他死於醫院,臨終前拒絕接受神甫的祈禱,對他的弟弟阿爾佛 雷德說:“不要哭,阿爾佛雷德!我需要全部的勇氣在20歲時死去。”按照伽羅華在決鬥前夕留下的遺書中的說法,他是做為“一個下流的風騷女人的犧牲品”而 死去的,但是阿爾佛雷德認為他是被謀殺的,後來也有很多人懷疑這是一個保王黨清除激進的共和黨人的政治陰謀。

[2] 的開頭:
In Paris, on the obscure morning of May 30, 1832, near a pond not far from the pension Sieur Faultrier, Evariste Galois confronted an adversary in a duel to be fought with pistols, and was shot through the stomach. Hours later, lying wounded and alone, Galois was found by a passing peasant. He was taken to the Hospital Cochin where he died the following day in the arms of his brother Alfred, after having refused the services of a priest. Had Galois lived another five months, until October 25, he would have attained the age of twenty-one. The legend of Evariste Galois, one of the creators of group theory, has fired the imagination of generations of mathematics students. Many of us have experienced the excitement of Freeman Dyson who writes:

In those days, my head was full of the romantic prose of E.T. Bell's Men of Mathematics, a collection of biographies of the great mathematicians. This is a splendid book for a young boy to read (unfortunately, there is not much in it to inspire a girl, with Sonya Kovalevsky allotted only half a chapter), and it has awakened many people of my generation to the beauties of mathematics. The most memorable chapter is called "Genius and Stupidity" and describes the life and death of the French mathematician Galois, who was killed in a duel at the age of twenty.

Dyson goes on to quote Bell's famous description of Galois's last night before the duel:
All night long he had spent the fleeting hours feverishly dashing off his scientific last will and testament, writing against time to glean a few of the great things in his teeming mind before the death he saw could overtake him. Time after time he broke off to scribble in the margin "I have not time; I have not time," and passed on to the next frantically scrawled outline. What he wrote in those last desperate hours before the dawn will keep generations of mathematicians busy for hundreds of years. He had found, once and for all, the true solution of a riddle which had tormented mathematicians for centuries: under what conditions can an equation be solved?






其次,舉報人的論證合理。判定抄襲,原則上要根據作品的主旨,結構和語句來判斷。舉報人還引用被舉報人的說法,“判斷科普文章、隨筆是否抄襲,不在於是否一一標註了文獻,而在於文章的主旨、寫法和語句是否雷同。” 涉嫌抄襲文章和上述三篇文章題材相同。主旨也並無二致。讀者對象也是一般大眾,而非數學專業人士。涉嫌抄襲文章的實質內容,沒有超出這三篇文章涉及的範圍。因此,通過對照涉嫌抄襲文章和上述三篇文章,來判定被舉報人是否抄襲,是合乎情理的。

舉報人從主旨、寫法和語句三個方面詳細對照涉嫌抄襲文章和上述三篇文章。舉報人發現,涉嫌抄襲文章的一些段落,上述原文的相關段落的結構完全相同,措詞寫法也相似。有些段落,甚至可以說是資料來源的逐字翻譯。舉報人特別指出,一些複雜的長句,語句和英文原文高度相似。而兩個不同語種的作者,如果不是抄襲,很難寫出這樣高度相似的長句。正如舉報人指出的,被舉報人也持這樣的看法。然而,涉嫌抄襲文章,即使在這些高度相似的地方, 也沒有註明自己的文字實際上是翻譯。

鑑於被舉報人沒有註明他的文章是翻譯,他的行為也就構成了抄襲。 即使假設被舉報人文章是翻譯,由於他沒有註明出處,根據美國大學有關翻譯註明出處的規定,他的行為仍然視為抄襲。例如,西佛羅里達大學規定:

Translation from one language to another is not using your own words and ideas and is treated as plagiarism. Translations fall under the guidelines for quotations, summaries and paraphrasing.
(See [uwf.edu])


Bilingual plagiarism is the act of passing off the work of others (in particular, the writing of others) as one’s own and disguising the plagiarism by intentionally translating the work into another language without giving due attribution to the original author.
(參見Carmel McNaught and David M. Kennedy, “Bilingual Plagiarism in the Academic World,”in Ethical Practices and Implications in Distance Learning, IGI Global, 2009.)



洪蕎在“讓方舟子自己說說他這是不是抄襲 ”一文(以下簡稱:洪文)中指稱方舟子發表在《經濟觀察報》及收入《愛因斯 坦信上帝嗎?——方舟子解讀科學史著名謎團》一書中的“科學史上著名公案——數學天才伽羅華之死”(方文)一文抄襲自英文維基百科網頁(引文1[a])及該網頁列出的兩個鏈接(引文2,作者Tony Rothman ;引文3©)。經過認真審閱洪文、方文及相關引文,評議人認為洪文提供的證據是真實和充分的,洪文認定方文抄襲的結論是成立的。
1.正如洪文指出的:方文中“其實她是伽羅華出獄後居住的旅店的醫生的女兒”是根據引文1[a]中“the daughter of the physician at the hostel where Galois remained during the final months of his life。”而“望文生義”導致的錯誤翻譯。實際上,如果仔細閱讀作為引文1[a]的引用文獻引文2就會知道:伽羅華的最後一段監禁(1832年3月16日至4月29日)是在Sieur Faultrier的一個療養院中,而捲入伽羅華感情生活的女性是這家療養院的駐院醫生的女兒。
(參見引文2:“...March 16, 1832, when he was transferred to the pension Sieur Faultrier. Ironically enough, this was to prevent the prisoners from being exposed to the cholera epidemic then sweeping Paris.”;“she was Stephanie-Felicie Poterin du Motel, daughter of Jean-Louis Auguste Poterin du Motel, a resident physician at the Sieur Faultrier, where Galois stayed the last months of his life.”)
(譯文:“...1832年3月16日,他(伽羅華)被轉送到Sieur Faultrier休養院。很諷刺的是,這次轉送是為了防止囚犯們感染巴黎當時流行的霍亂。”“她是Stephanie-Felicie Poterin du Motel,Sieur Faultrier (療養院)駐院醫師Jean-Louis Auguste Poterin du Motel的女兒,伽羅華在生命中最後數月住在那裡”。
需要指出的是,引文1[a]根據引文2而表述的“the daughter of the physician at the hostel where Galois remained during the final months of his life。”是可以接受的。請注意“final months”所用的是複數。伽羅華從出獄到死亡只有1個月時間,方文卻特意強調“出獄後居住的”,顯然方文作者不僅缺乏對其文章中主角伽羅華生平的基本了解,同時英文閱讀理解犯了錯誤,因為即使不知道“hostel”的確切含義,從“final months”中的複數用法也可推斷這肯定不是出獄後發生的。如果通過閱讀原始文獻而整理成的文章是不會出現方文中這樣望文生義的錯誤。
方文:“和伽羅華決鬥的人是誰?伽羅華在遺書中說約他決鬥的是兩名“愛國者”。根據大仲 馬的回憶錄,決鬥者是當初被捕的19名軍官之一德艾爾賓維爾。但是根據決鬥幾天后一家報紙的報道,與伽羅華決鬥的是和他一起被捕的“人民之友社”成員、他 的好友杜沙特雷。”
引文1[a]:“As to his opponent in the duel, Alexandre Dumas names Pescheux d'Herbinville, one of the nineteen artillery officers ... However, Dumas is alone in this assertion, and extant newspaper clippings from only a few days after the duel give a description of his opponent which is inconsistent with d'Herbinville, and more accurately describes one of Galois' Republican friends, most probably Ernest Duchatelet, who was also imprisoned with Galois on the same charges.[1] Galois also writes another, similar letter ... I have been provoked by two patriots [2] ”
而事實上,“決鬥幾天后一家報紙”的報道並沒有給出決鬥對手的名字,在該報道中只是用以下語句形容這個對手“one of his old friends, a young man like himself, like himself a member of the Society of Friends of the People”“ L.D., his adversary, is a bit younger”(譯文:“對手是像他(伽羅華)一樣的年輕人,一樣是人民之友協會成員”;“L.D., 他的對手比他年輕一點”)”)。而正是引文2的作者Rothman根據以上敘述在引文2中第一次推測這篇報道中名字縮寫為L.D.的對手是Ernest Armand Duchatelet。事實上,對於伽羅華的研究者們來說,決鬥對手的真實身份至今仍然是個謎。(參見引文1[a]:Given the conflicting information available, the true identity of his killer may well be lost to history.(根據治現存相互矛盾的資料,殺手的真實身份仍迷失在歷史中)。
(三) 方文開篇提到了貝爾的《數學大師》一書(貝文[d])及“後來的科普文章在介紹伽羅華時也多延用貝爾的描述”。然而,方文除了轉引貝書中關於敘述的伽羅華最後一夜的內容外(引文2開篇部分引述過貝文這部分內容),其它大部分事實與《數學大師》中涉及伽羅華的部分完全不同。例如決鬥的方式:貝文377頁[d]是這樣描述的:“The dual was with pistols at twenty five paces. Galois fell, shot through the intestines”(譯文:決鬥是用手槍距離25步遠進行的,伽羅華倒下了,被射穿了腸子)。所以方文是不可基於貝文的複述創作的。

洪文指出:“方舟子對《數學大師》一書中段落的選擇以及對《數學大師》那“浪漫”的形容也與[2]完全一致。”。事實上,引文2中的“浪漫”說法的段落是直接引述F Dyson在其書中(Disturbing the Universe, 引文2 列舉的參考文獻1)對貝爾全書的一句感官評價。《數學大師》共有29章,介紹了從公元前到19世紀歷史上著名數學家們的生平和數學上的貢獻。其中第20章“Genius and Stupidity”(天才和愚蠢)是介紹伽羅華的生平和數學貢獻。然而,單從描述伽羅華的這一章來看,無論從其題目“天才和愚蠢”,還是伽羅華的論文被法國科學院丟失、拒絕,與一文不值的女孩(worthless girl, 貝文374頁[d])的感情,及最後伽羅華在愚蠢的決鬥中喪命的情節,都難以想象出怎麼用“浪漫的筆調”寫出的這一章節。這不合情理的用詞旁證了方文中“《數學大師》的浪漫筆調”是複製自引文2。
方文:“美國數學家埃里克•坦普爾•貝爾在1937年出版了一部至今還在印刷的科普名著《數學大師》,”“ 《數學大師》的浪漫筆調激勵了許多年輕人投身於數學研究,甚至成為著名數學家,其中包括諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者約翰•納什。”
英文維基網頁[e]: “Men of Mathematics is a well-known book on the history of mathematics written in 1937 by the mathematician E.T. Bell.”“Men of Mathematics has inspired many young people, including a young John Forbes Nash Jr., to become mathematicians.”( 譯文:“《數學大師》是由數學家貝爾寫於1937年的關於數學史的名著”;“ 《數學大師》激勵了許多年輕人,包括約翰納什,成為數學家”)。需要指出的是,最後一次印刷《數學大師》英文版是在1986年,所以方文中雖然添加了維基網頁[e]中沒有的“至今還在印刷”一句卻反而是不確切的。
a. 洪文引文1:[www.2250s.com]
b. 洪文引文2:“Genius and Biographers: The Fictionalization of Evariste Galois”,Tony Rothman, [www.2250s.com]
c. 洪文引文3:[www.2250s.com]
d. “Men of Mathematics—The lives and Achievement of the Great Mathemayicians from Zeno to Poincare”,E.T. Bell, Simon & Schuster Inc,New York,1965.
e. “Men of Mathematics” From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: [en.wikipedia.org]


我仔細閱讀了洪蕎的舉報材料, 並考證了相關文章的原始出處。 發現如下事實:

1. 舉報材料是真實的;
2. 方舟子的署名文章發表時間是在原始文獻的發表之後;
3. 方舟子的署名文章沒有引證原始文獻、也沒有在文章中說明其信息來源;
4. 方舟子的署名文章和原始文獻有大量的雷同之處。


1. 洪蕎在舉報材料中給出了方舟子署名的中文文章和被抄襲的英文文章的出處。 經查證無誤。

2. 同樣, 洪蕎說明了舉報材料中, “[1]是WiKi2009年2月5日的版本,[2,3]是[1]中列出的鏈接”。 經查證無誤。 [2]由Tony Rothman在1982年發表於American Mathematical Monthly.

3. 方舟子的署名文章的電子版可見於: [blog.sina.com.cn]

4. 洪蕎敏銳地發現: 方舟子不但在行文結構上抄襲了原始文獻, 在語言上也不知羞恥地剽竊了原始文獻, 特別是Tony Rothman的文章。 如:方舟子的文中出現“《數學大師》的浪漫筆調激勵了許多年輕人投身於數學研究” ,而Tony Rothman引用Freeman Dyson 的著作:“the romantic prose of E.T. Bell's Men of Mathematics, ... has awakened many people of my generation to the beauties of mathematics. ... The legend ... has fired the imagination of generations of mathematics students.”(《Disturbing the Universe》(New York: Harper and Row, 1979), p. 14.)

方舟子的抄襲確實很“浪漫”, 一點也不科學!

更可笑的抄襲是: 方舟子在文中寫道“群論的創建足以使數學家忙上幾百年,但並非一夜之間的事。”, 方舟子的這種不通順的漢語, 原來是來自對Tony Rothman的文章的硬譯: “Galois had indeed helped to create a field which would keep mathematicians busy for hundreds of years but not "in those last desperate hours before the dawn." ” (見[www.physics.princeton.edu])

洪蕎把方舟子署名文章和原始文獻對比, 充分地揭示了方舟子抄襲剽竊的事實。 方舟子的署名短文, 無段落不抄, 是屬於性質極為惡劣的剽竊。 建議通知原文作者, 特別是Tony Rothman。

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