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Whitehead & Covaraince Princip
送交者: c_y_lo 2011年04月18日05:24:06 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

Whitehead’s Theory and Invalidity of Einstein’s Covariance Principle

C. Y. Lo

Applied and Pure Research Institute

7 Taggart Drive, Unit E, Nashua, NH 03060

April 2011



Einstein’s covariance principle would imply that diffeomorhpic solutions are equivalent in physics, and it was proposed as a remedy for problems in his theory of measurement. However, Whitehead considered Einstein’s theory of measurement invalid in physics, and created his own theory as an alternative to general relativity. C. M. Will showed in 1971 that Whitehead’s theory is invalid because it predicts unrealistic time-dependence for the ebb and flow of ocean tides; but Will failed to see that Whitehead’s solution is diffeomorphic to Einstein’s. Therefore, Will inadvertently identified probably the first counter example for Einstein’s covariance principle.


Key Words: principle of general relativity; covariance principle; diffeomorphism; Einstein’s equivalence principle; Whitehead’s theory.

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