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包河, please correct your errors
送交者: c_y_lo 2011年08月04日01:49:45 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

包河, please correct your errors damaging to me

Dear Mr. Bao:

Thank you very much for your interest in investigating my works.

Unfortunately, your report includes many inaccurate and even wrong statements because of your short term efforts. Apparently, you do not have a well qualified professional physicist to assist your investigation. Although I do not know how much assistance that Google has given to you, it is clear that there is very little if any. I shall appreciate very much if you would provide me the related evidences that I can ask Google to give better assistance to you. I would apologize for that I did not respond to your report earlier since I did not read it carefully.

What concern me are your inaccurate and even totally incorrect statements on the quality of my work and reactions toward my work in a paragraph as follows:.


The first sentence claimed that my work has not been accepted by the main stream physicists. I do not know, by your standard, what kind of physicists can be qualified as in the main stream, which has not been specified either. Furthermore, you claimed, by your standard again, that no influential journal has ever published my papers. Finally, you claimed that since I cannot publish my papers in a journal, I have to publish them in the Chinese media and the internet.

These statements are arbitrary and irresponsible and thus include inaccuracy which can be classified as lies. To assist you in correcting your mistakes, let me point out some of facts that show your serious errors as follows:

1)      In the last few years (2005 - 2010), I have published in referred journals at least 25 papers.

2)      Let me mention the journals of physics that I have published. They are: Astrophysical Journal, Astrophysical and Space Science, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Chinese Physics, Chinese Journal of Physics, Hadronic Journal, Physical Review, Physics Essays, and Progress in Physics.

3)      MIT Institute Professor P. Morrison is my research associate for 15 years.

4)      Editor of Astrophysical Journal, S. Chandrasekhar, a Nobel Laureate, approves two papers for publication.

Now, let me ask:

  1. Would you consider MIT Institute Professor P. Morrison and Nobel Laureate S. Chandraseklar belong to physicists of the main stream?
  2. Would you consider the nine (if you discount the two Chinese journals, there is still seven) journals part of the influential journals?
  3. Would you consider publishing 25 papers in referred journals as being accepted by the main stream?
  4. Would it be appropriate to share my research results to fellow Americans and Chinese in the INTERNET and the Chinese media?

If your answers are no, please give me the supporting evidences. If your answers are yes, please correct your errors and apologize. Otherwise, I have to consider your report as an act of mud throwing, instead of a careless mistake. Because your report has damaged my reputation as a scientist and an ordinary citizen, I reserve the right to take appropriate actions of this land.

Thank you very much for your kind attention. I am looking forward to hearing form you.

Sincerely yours,

C. Y. Lo

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