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送交者: 老几 2012年07月09日17:00:40 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

  昨天晚饭时闲聊时,朋友谈到中医被澳洲政府正式承认。网上一查,从2012年七月一日起,中医作为新被承认职业之一,与其它相关医学一样,将由国家统一注册管理。 同期被列入的还有土著医学,辐射医疗,和职业理疗。至此,凡被澳大利亚中华医学委员会(Chinese Medicine Board of Australia)和澳洲从医人员管理机构 (Australia Heath Practitioner Regulation Agency)承认并登记在册的人员,将可在澳洲任何地方合法从事专业工作。

  这样,澳洲从医人员管理机构扩至14个全国专业委员会, 包括几乎所有老几知道得如医学会,药学会,牙医学会,中华医学会,等等 和不知道的专业委员会,具体如下所列:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia

Chinese Medicine Board of Australia

Chiropractic Board of Australia

Dental Board of Australia

Medical Board of Australia

Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

Occupational Therapy Board of Australia

Optometry Board of Australia

Osteopathy Board of Australia

Pharmacy Board of Australia

Physiotherapy Board of Australia

Podiatry Board of Australia

Psychology Board of Australia


  On 1 July 2012, Chinese Medicine practitioners, Medical Radiation Practitioners, Occupational Therapists, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners will join the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS).

  This means that practitioners must meet nationally consistent registration standards and be adequately qualified to be able to practise. In some states and territories, this will be the first time that these professions are regulated.

  Practitioners in these professions must register with their National Board, meet nationally consistent professional standards and be qualified to be able to practise. By registering once and renewing yearly, most practitioners can then work across all Australian states and territories


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