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Achievements of Einstein
送交者: c_y_lo 2013年10月06日00:48:14 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

On Achievements, Shortcomings and Errors of Einstein


C. Y. Lo


Applied and Pure Research Institute

 7 Taggart Drive, Unit E, Nashua, NH 03060



In the formula E = mc2, only mass is equivalent to energy, but not necessarily the reverse. For instance, the electromagnetic energy is not equivalent to mass. This error is responsible to overlooking the charge-mass repulsive force that would explain the Space-Probe Pioneer Anomaly. The photons must include not only electromagnetic energy, but also gravitational energy. Thus, the claim of general relativity is not applicable to micro-phenomena is incorrect. It is illustrated through explicit calculations that, for the dynamic case, the non-linear Einstein equation has no bounded dynamic solutions. Thus, for the dynamic cases, the “linearization” procedure is not valid. In fact, the linearized equation is compatible with a 1995 modified Einstein equation that added a gravitational energy-stress tensor with an anti-gravity coupling in the source. The implicit assumption of the unique coupling signs for the space-time singularity theorems is invalid. Moreover, the Charge-mass interaction implies that Einstein’s conjecture of unification between gravitation and electromagnetism is correct.

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