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ZT: 高能粒子重力加速實驗結果違法廣義相對論
送交者: xyz12345 2014年01月17日16:09:35 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
Accelerator experiments contradicting general relativity
Authors: Vahagn Gharibyan

Abstract: The deflection of gamma-rays in Earth's gravitational field is tested in laser Compton scattering at high energy accelerators. Within a formalism connecting the bending angle to the photon's momentum it follows that detected gamma-ray spectra are inconsistent with a deflection magnitude of 2.78 nrad, predicted by Einstein's gravity theory. Moreover, preliminary results for 13-28 GeV photons from two different laboratories show opposite - away from the Earth - deflection, amounting to 33.8-0.8 prad. I conclude that general relativity, which describes gravity at low energies precisely, break down at high energies.




  test  /無內容 - 括號 12/09/19 (254)
    test  /無內容 - 噶瑪蘭 08/22/22 (64)
  我估計二個月內,該作者會發文說他錯了  /無內容 - wtxwtx 01/18/14 (606)
    為什麼?不過很奇怪,這種非主流文章arXiv會允許登出來。  /無內容 - xyz12345 01/20/14 (628)
      100多年來,有幾百人次號稱愛理論是錯的,最終 - wtxwtx 01/20/14 (693)
          非局域關聯存在已經被實驗間接證明 - xyz12345 01/20/14 (689)
            歷史已經證實,這篇文章(1998)沒有得諾貝爾獎。 - wtxwtx 01/24/14 (643)
              據說IBM量子計算機投入應用了,不會是假的吧?  /無內容 - xyz12345 01/25/14 (666)
            但“民間”有很多質疑 - xyz12345 01/20/14 (670)
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