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一瞬間的感動, MTV賞析-Through the Rain
送交者: 歡樂頌 2010年05月28日09:35:03 於 [影視娛樂] 發送悄悄話
母親:“You are a disgrace to this family!"
女孩:“Didn't you teach me to follow my heart,this is what I believe in, why can't you see that!"
母親:“You are a kid, you don't know what you believe in!" 
女孩:“I am leaving...”


緊接着女孩離家出走,引子部分結束,演唱開始。Mariah Carey運用她獨特的音色將這個故事展開。值得留意的是從40秒後的兩分多鐘的演唱里,MC將真聲和氣聲混合運用的技巧,即一句歌詞,前半句用真聲,後半句用氣聲,這種唱法很炫。Mariah Carey被中國歌迷稱為花蝴蝶確實有道理,她的技巧很多,但並不意味着她的演唱缺乏感情。具體到這種技巧為什麼要用在這首歌里,我沒太想明白,可能是因為這首歌結尾處要用持續的真聲高音,所以為避免整首歌的曲風過於單調而採用的一種調劑。後面這兩分多鐘的畫面交待了這個女孩和一個黑人的愛情故事,兩人如何不顧父母 反對,堅持在一起,最後決定拋棄家庭的阻力私奔。

從3分30秒開始,氣象一變:場景由街頭移至教堂內,MC的演唱中完全丟掉了氣聲,全部採用真聲的高音一貫到底,將歌曲的氣氛推上高峰。與此同時,鏡頭反覆在教堂中放歌的MC與那兩個青年男女私奔後艱苦而幸福的生活場景之中切換。當鏡頭在教堂中時,MC站在前台演唱(牧師講道的地方),鏡頭雖然時而全景,時而近景,時而特寫,但攝像機的角度始終對着MC的正面(為什麼這個重要,馬上就會揭曉)。但是就在4分15秒的時候,攝像機的角度忽然調了個180度,變成從MC的角度看下面的聽眾。這時兩個老人(一黑一白)就坐在第一排,眼中噙着淚水,看着Mariah Carey唱歌。此時不難猜到,這黑白二老就是前面故事中那對青年男女(已經相守到白頭了) 。但在第一次看這個MTV的時候,一直到這裡我還沒明白,為什麼要把故事中的兩個主角和演唱者(講故事的人)放在同一個物理空間裡。直到4分26秒時,攝像機的角度又一個變換,當他們三個人同時處於一個畫面中的時候,我才猛然意識到MC這個演唱者其實並不是局外人,而是這兩位老人的女兒,原來她這是在講述她本人的故事!那種一瞬間的感動,感覺象一盆涼水從頭頂上淋下來...

我記得曾經讀過Mariah Carey的平生介紹,她的父母正是一黑一白。可嘆的是,父母在她三歲時離異,承受不了跨種族婚姻所帶來的壓力也許是原因之一(While living in Huntington, racist neighbors allegedly poisoned the family dog and set fire to her family's car。詳見百科介紹)。MC幾乎是完全在單親家庭長大,母親必須打幾份工才能維持生計,而且由於生活所迫,多次遷徙,生活艱難。就因為如此,MC從小立志學習音樂,長大後擺脫困苦的生活。17歲高中畢業就隻身闖蕩紐約,尋求音樂的夢想。最終抓住了機遇,成為歌壇天后...這個MTV的製作是不是MC為了彌補父母離異帶來的遺憾,我就不知道了。

"Through the Rain" 並不是MC最好的歌,這個MTV拍的雖然不錯,但並無獨創的地方,精華全在於導演最後的巧妙處理和這個畫面背後隱含的感人故事。再看看"Through the Rain"的歌詞,Mariah Carey以親身的經歷鼓勵我們“Yes you can.You gonna make it through the rain"。故事的背景雖是愛情,卻可以推廣至任何主題。其實我最喜歡MC的,不是她眾多的Number One Hits,而正是那些勵志歌曲,象“make it happen”,“they cant take that away from me”等等,以後如有機會再介紹。

Through The Rain
Songwriters: Cole, Lionel; Carey, Mariah;

When you get caught in the rain
With no where to run
When you're distraught and in pain without anyone
When you keep crying out to be saved

But nobody comes and you feel so far away
That you just can't find your way home
You can get there alone
It's okay, what you say is

I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

And if you keep falling down, don't you dare give in
You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly
And you'll find what you need to prevail
What you say is

I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

And when the rain blows, as shadows grow close
Don't be afraid, there's nothing you can't face
And should they tell you, you'll never pull through
Don't hesitate, stand tall and say

I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

I can make it through the rain
As I live once again
And I live one more day
I can make it through the rain
Yes you can
You gonna make it through the rain
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