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Fully agree!
送交者: abc55 2014月05月31日23:04:29 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 這三十年是人類歷史上最殘暴的三十年,一點沒錯Next 於 2014-05-30 07:42:17

There is nothing trustworthy during the late 30 years. Almost everything is made for cheating and exploiting the common people for the benefit of the few. The fundamental difference between the early 30 years and the later 30 years is the different goal of the Chinese government. The goal of the government during the early 30 years was the serve for the interest of the majority of the Chinese people. The goal of the government during the late 30 years has changed to serve the few who are the rich and the powerful.

In summary,  the early government was the government of the people, by the people and for the people. The later government is the government of the corrupted, by the corrupted and for the corrupted.     

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