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送交者: 藤兒 2015年11月14日21:31:50 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話

藤兒點評: 說實話,教皇(方濟各)內心非常清楚,“原教旨主義”一詞是從英文的"fundamentalist"一詞翻譯而來。他也一定知道,這個詞更多地是用來形容伊斯蘭教中的某些派別,尤其指向其中的宗派之一,「伊斯蘭國」(IS)。


教皇(方濟各)絕沒有忘記19世紀的蘇丹馬赫迪大起義—— 馬赫迪運動是以宗教為旗幟而發動的一次蘇丹民族武裝起義。而馬赫迪的理想是把純潔了的伊斯蘭教即馬赫迪主義推向整個穆斯林世界,用來完成這一神聖使命的辦法就是聖戰...... 自那以後,蘇丹兩千年來從未平靜。蘇丹穆斯林流傳着這樣一種說法:穆斯林遭受苦難時,會有一位偉大的馬赫迪(即救世主)現世,以拯救教徒。



雖然這事也不是就可以簡單地用一個極端的原教旨主義來形容,但是它對全人類的影響卻讓人不能忽視。因為,《可蘭經》裡也提到了為教殺人,雖然不叫 jihad,而是被叫作qital。



來源:CNA 2015-11-14

UPDATED: Pope calls Paris terrorist attacks part of 'piecemeal WWIII'

Pope Francis prays with journalists on the papal flight en route to South Korea on Aug. 14, 2014. Credit: Alan Holdren/CNA.

Pope Francis prays with journalists on the papal flight en route to South Korea on Aug. 14, 2014. Credit: Alan Holdren/CNA.

By Ann Schneible

.- The acts of terrorism which took place in Paris Friday night are the latest part in what Pope Francis has called a “piecemeal World War III,” describing the attacks as “inhuman.”

“There is no justification for these things,” the pontiff said in a phone interview Saturday with TV 2000, the official broadcasting station for the Italian Bishops Conference.

Speaking in response to the Nov. 13 attacks, which are the deadliest acts of violence the city has seen since the World War II, the Pope said he is “moved and pained” by what happened, and expressed his closeness to those affected by the tragedy.

“I am close to the people of France, to the families of the victims, and I am praying for all of them,” he said.

“These things are hard to understand,” he said, adding that he “loves France very much.”

At least 128 people are confirmed dead and more than 180 wounded in terrorist attacks which targeted bars, restaurants, a concert hall, and a football stadium in the heart of Paris on Nov. 13. Around 80 people are listed in critical condition, according to the BBC.

The deadliest attack came when militants overtook the Bataclan concert hall, in which at least 82 people were killed, after the terrorists had seized dozens of hostages.

Eyewitnesses reported  hearing the terrorists cry out “Allahu Akbar!” – Arabic for “God is Great!” The terrorists carried out the siege with suicide bombs and semi-automatic weapons. Police have said all eight attackers are dead.

In the wake of the attacks, Paris archbishop Cardinal André Vingt-Trois in a Nov. 14 statement appealed for the grace to be “artisans of peace.” He stressed that “we must never despair of peace if we are to build justice.

“Faced with the violence of men,” he said,  “we can receive the grace of a steadfast heart without hate.” The French prelate called for people to not give in to panic or hatred.

“This morning I pray and I invite the Catholics of Paris to pray for those who were killed yesterday and for their families,” Cardinal André Vingt-Trois continued. He also called for prayers for the injured, those working to help those affected by the crisis, and the nation's leaders in order that they “remain together in unity and peace of heart.”

"We ask for the grace to be artisans of peace. We must never despair of peace, if you justice," he said.

The BBC reports that French president Francois Hollande has called the attacks “an act of war” by ISIS.

The French president declared a nationwide state of emergency soon after the rampage began and closed the country's borders. Parisians were urged to stay in doors.

This is the second and deadlier of two sieges against Paris by Islamic terrorists in 2015. 12 people were killed on Jan. 7 when Islamic terrorists stormed the headquarters of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

Updated: Nov. 14, 2015 at 3:30pm

Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, sent a telegram to Cardinal Vingt-Trois on behalf of Pope Francis, assuring the archbishop of Paris of his prayers for those affected by “horrific terrorist attacks.”

“The Holy Father vigorously condemns violence, which cannot solve anything,” the telegram reads, according to Vatican Radio's translation of the message which was originally written in French.

“He asks God to inspire thoughts of peace and solidarity in all and to impart on families in this trial and on all of the French people, the abundance of His Blessings.”

The telegram by saying the Pope prays that God might “welcome the victims into the peace of His light and bring comfort and hope to the injured and their families,” and assured his “spiritual closeness” to the French people.


來源:中央社 2015-11-14


巴黎昨晚遭到恐怖攻擊,媒體報導,伊斯蘭國承認犯行。得知這起慘劇後,教宗方濟各表示,這是第三次世界大戰的一部分,犯下這些案件的不是人類。  教宗方濟各在回覆義大利宗教電視台的電報上說,「這是第三次世界大戰的碎片之一,宗教信仰也無法正當化這些事件。」

他還表示,「犯下這些案件的不是人類,我和所有的法國人同在,我熱愛他們。」  教宗說,「我再一次譴責暴力,這無法解決任何事情。我祈禱上帝點燃人們和平和團結的念頭。」  教宗並表示,「我感到傷痛,無法理解這是人類的行為。」  教廷發言人龍巴迪(Federico Lombardi)則說,「教宗以及所有熱愛和平者,一起為受難者、法國祈禱。」

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