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The Thin Red Line by James Jones
送交者: jingchen 2023年02月08日19:59:40 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話

The Thin Red Line by James Jones


War fictions and movies tend to depict people (on our own side) as noble characters. But human nature doesn’t change in a war. Few books try to be honest. The Thin Red Line is one of such books. I watched the movie first. Then read the book.  The following are some quotes from the book.


It was strange, but it was as if when you were honest and admitted you didn’t know what you really were, or even if you were anything at all, then nobody liked you and you made everybody uncomfortable and they didn’t want to be around you. But when you made up your fiction story about yourself and what a great guy you were, and then pretended that that was really you, everybody accepted it and believed you. (p 24)


Tall had arrived and taken control, and had taken it firmly and surely and with confidence. Those who lived would owe it to Tall, and those who died would say nothing. It was too bad about those ones; everybody would feel that; but after all once they were dead they did not really count anymore, did they? This was the simple truth, and Tall had brought it with him to them. (P 223)


I dont think you’re tough enough. I think you’re too soft. Too soft-hearted. Not tough-fibered enough. I think you let your emotions govern you too much. I think your emotions control you. (P 272) (Tall talked to Stein.)

Comment: This is after Stein won a battle. It showed that Stein was right and Tall was wrong. This is the real sin.

Perhaps long years after the war was done, when each had built his defenses of lies which fitted his needs, and had listened long enough to those other lies the national propaganda would have distilled for them by then, they could all go down to the American Legion like their fathers and talk about it within the limits of a prescribed rationale which allowed them self respect. They could pretend to each other they were men. And avoid admitting they had once seen something animal within themselves that terrified them. (P 285, first page of Chap 6)

Men changed their wars in the years that followed after they fought them. It was that old thing about “I’ll-believe-your-lies-about-you, if you’ll-believe-my-lies-about-me.” (P 308)




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