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that was my first post
送交者: Mushy 2008月10月09日06:59:07 於 [靈機一動] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Mushy: 反駁“神秘的無理數 - 挑戰學院派”西線晨霧 於 2008-09-18 16:11:06
on this forum. yeah just for killing time at night.

Yeah I was quite amazed that this forum disucssed this kind of problem. So I offered my views, mostly from the book.

It is pretty to hard to convince you ah, 西線晨霧? :D
Yeah i am not convinced by your argument, either.
Well, if you are serious on this, I suggest reading up on the relevant books. My views are mostly taken from them, which i believe, deliver the points most robustly than me.
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