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送交者: 爪四哥 2017年09月25日04:08:36 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話

前言:DACA,是 Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals 的縮寫,中文可以翻譯成 “童年時(非法)來到美國的人暫緩遣返政策”。簡單地說,這是一項保護一群特定的非法移民免遭遣返,讓他們可以留在美國工作和生活的政策。這其實是2001年由幾個議員提出的議案,經歷了布什08兩屆政府,國會一直沒有通過形成法律。奧巴馬繞過國會直接簽署了行政令,開始了實質性的實施。行政令不是法律因此下屆總統有權否定上屆行政令。因此川普若要撤銷 DACA,從法律角度上講沒有任何瑕疵。







非法販運兒童偷渡美國,是高利潤產業。對蛇頭而言,每販運一個兒童偷渡入美,就意味着$5000+收入。一方面是奧巴馬民主黨政府假仁假義網開一面,聲稱對這些非法入境兒童來者不拒,提供衣食住行一切保障;一方面是中南美蛇頭們為謀取暴利,強行拆散普通百姓的家庭,將孩子強行從父母手中奪走,偷運進美國,變成名符其實的孤兒。更令人髮指的是,偷渡的費用竟然還要孩子的父母來償還!To make it even worse大批偷渡過來的孩子不僅未實現夢想,反而淪落風塵,淪落街頭,變成貧窮與犯罪的溫床。DACA惡法一天不廢,中南美洲老百姓骨肉分離的人間慘劇就會天天上演。





The decades-long failure of Washington, D.C. to enforce federal immigration law has had both predictable and tragic consequences: lower wages and higher unemployment for American workers, substantial burdens on local schools and hospitals, the illicit entry of dangerous drugs and criminal cartels, and many billions of dollars a year in costs paid for by U.S.taxpayers. Yet few in Washington expressed any compassion for the millions of Americans victimized by this unfair system. Before we ask what is fair to illegal immigrants, we must also ask what is fair to American families, students, taxpayers, and jobseekers.

As I’ve said before, we will resolve the DACA issue with heart and compassion – but through the lawful Democratic process – while at the same time ensuring that any immigration reform we adopt provides enduring benefits for the American citizens we were elected to serve. We must also have heart and compassion for unemployed, struggling, and forgotten Americans.

Above all else, we must remember that young Americans have dreams too. Being in government means setting priorities. Our first and highest priority in advancing immigration reform must be to improve jobs, wages and security for American workers and their families.

It is now time for Congress to act!



MYTH: President Trump is initiating this disruption to the lives of hundreds of thousands of DACA beneficiaries.

FACT: The Trump Administration’s hand was forced by a pending court case in which DACA was likely to be terminated. Pending litigation from states attorney general with a deadline today forced the Administration to take action. A likely loss means that the program would be rescinded entirely with no time to avoid inevitable disruptions.

MYTH: Rescinding DACA will lead to immediate and mass deportation.

FACT: Rescinding DACA does not lead to mass deportation because DACA recipients have never been an enforcement priority. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sets enforcement priorities that focus on convicted criminals, recent illegal entry and visa overstays. These priorities have not and will not change.

FACT: Forget deportation, no one will be affected at all for at least six months, and in most cases, much longer. No current DACA beneficiaries will be impacted before March 5, 2018. Beneficiaries whose status expires before then will have ample time to renew their status.

FACT: Congress can take action to permanently fix the problem. This time frame gives Congress six months to responsibly address federal immigration law in an appropriate and constitutional manner – through the legislative process.

MYTH: Rescinding DACA is cruel, because it targets minors who have only known the United States as their home.

FACT: Rescinding DACA does not target children. There is a misconception that DACA beneficiaries are children. While they were minors when entering the United States, the overwhelming majority are adults. The average recipient of a DACA permit is in his or her mid-20s. They range from ages 15 to 36.

FACT: The responsibility lies with President Obama, who knew his DACA Program clearly violated federal law. President Obama’s DACA program is clearly unlawful. How do we know? President Obama said it himself. Repeatedly, prior to his 2012 announcement of DACA, Obama admitted he had no legal authority to ignore federal immigration law. But bowing to politics in an election year, he reversed course to authorize the program in what he even then called “a temporary stop gap measure.”

MYTH: Rescinding DACA will cause immediate and lasting damage to the economy by removing a pillar from the work force.

FACT: Should Congress fail to act, businesses would have between 6 and 24 months to replace any DACA beneficiary whose status expires.No current DACA beneficiaries will be impacted before March 2, 2018. Beneficiaries whose status expires before then will have ample time to renew their status.

FACT: Should Congress fail to act, there are over 5 million unemployed Americans from age 16-34 to replace the 800,000 DACA beneficiaries. Last year, there were over 5 million Americans from the age of 16-34 were unemployed. In addition, there are 50 million more Americans in that age range who aren’t even in the work force.

MYTH: DHS will begin using the data from DACA recipients to find and deport them as part of the President’s policy.

FACT: Information provided to USCIS in DACA requests will not be proactively provided to ICE and CBP for the purpose of immigration enforcement proceedings.

備註-2: 數字化看奧巴馬總統的"歷史地位"

第一位現代歷史上任內聯邦政府國債增加幾乎超過所有前任總統任內增加總和 (10.6億增加到約20)總統。2016年三季度美國聯邦政府國債占國內生產總值比為105%,是自第二次世界大戰以來的最高點。





後二戰時代第一位上任時自己的黨有參眾兩院多數而卸任時自己的黨變成參眾兩院少數的總統。上一次出現這種情況還是杜魯門。(民主黨在20091月新參議院有100席中的57席,新眾議院435席中的257席。 民主黨在20171月新參議院有100席中的48席,新眾議院435席中的194席。)


歷史上第一次,代表約四分之一移民與海關執法人員的National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council總統競選期間出來表態支持某位候選人。支持的居然是在野黨的總統候選人。奧巴馬的執政黨同志希拉里克林頓得到了會員投票的5%











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