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Do u wear Jeans?
送交者: mangomango 2003年11月17日16:31:34 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話

A man went to visit his doctor.

"I think I have a problem, Doc," said the patient. "One of my balls has turned blue." The doctor examined the man briefly and concluded that the patient would die if he didn't have his testicle removed.

"Are you crazy?!?" exclaimed the patient, "How could I let you do such a thing to me?"

"Do you want to die?", asked the doctor rhetorically, and the patient had to agree to have his testicle removed. But two weeks after the operation, he came back.

"Doc, I don't know how to say this, but the other ball has turned blue too."

Again, the doctor told him that if he wants to live, his other testicle must be cut off too. And again, the man was very reluctant. "Hey, do you want to die?", asked the doctor, and the patient had to agree to the operation.

But about two weeks after the second operation (and now testicle-less), he returned to the doctor. "I think something is very wrong with me. My penis is now completely blue."

After briefly examining the patient once again, the doctor gave him the bad news. If you want to live, your penis has to go.

Of course, he did not want to hear about it. "You really want to die?", asked the doctor.

"But... how will I urinate?"

"We'll install a plastic pipe, and there will be no problem."

So the penis was removed and a while after the operation, the unfortunate man again returned to the doctor's office. He was now very angry.

"Doctor, the plastic pipe turned blue!"


"Can you tell me what is happening?"

So the doctor examined the patient more carefully this time and said, "Hmmmm, I think it's your jeans..."

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