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送交者: Palmoil 2019月12月04日13:55:29 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 中国不买越南海虾越南水果QWE 于 2019-12-04 13:41:44

Pork Exports by Country

Sliced pork platter
Sliced pork platter
Global sales from pork exports by country totaled US$28.5 billion in 2018.

Overall, the value of pork exports fell by an average -9.5% for all exporting countries since 2014 when pork shipments were valued at $31.4 billion. Year over year, total pork exports shrank in value by -5.5% from 2017 to 2018.

From a continental perspective, $18.9 billion or 66.3% of all pork exports originated from Europe. In second place were North American exporters at 26.6%. Accounting for smaller percentages were Latin America (5.4%) excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean, Asia (1.2%), Oceania (0.3%) then Africa (0.1%).

The 4-digit Harmonized Tariff System code prefix is 0203 for fresh, chilled or frozen swine meat.

Pork Exports by Country

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Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of pork during 2018.

  1. United States: US$4.6 billion (16.2% of total pork exports)

  2. Germany: $4.4 billion (15.5%)

  3. Spain: $4 billion (14.2%)

  4. Denmark: $2.6 billion (9.2%)

  5. Canada: $2.4 billion (8.5%)

  6. Netherlands: $2.1 billion (7.5%)

  7. Belgium: $1.4 billion (4.8%)

  8. Brazil: $1.1 billion (3.8%)

  9. Poland: $1 billion (3.6%)

  10. France: $891.5 million (3.1%)

  11. Mexico: $536.5 million (1.9%)

  12. Ireland: $505.7 million (1.8%)

  13. Chile: $438 million (1.5%)

  14. Austria: $392.5 million (1.4%)

  15. United Kingdom: $389.4 million (1.4%)

The listed 15 countries shipped 94.3% of all pork exports in 2018 by value.

Among the top exporters, the fastest-growing pork exporters since 2014 were: Mexico (up 25%), Spain (up 21.8%), United Kingdom (up 13.1%) and Poland (up 11.6%).

Those countries that posted declines in their exported pork sales were led by: Austria (down -29.8%), Brazil (down -25.9%), France (down -20.1%), Belgium (down -19%) and Denmark (down -18.8%).

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