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Several friends told me that
送交者: Rocher 2009月04月22日13:07:38 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 海龜算個毛阿生非過 於 2009-04-22 12:03:23
they work over 60 hours per week in Japan, is this true? They told me they usually start at 9am, then leave the office around 11pm, go for a drink with the colleagues then go home around midnight. Is this true?
  I never did that before. - 生非過 04/22/09 (208)
    Did you work or study there? - Rocher 04/22/09 (251)
      Of course - 生非過 04/22/09 (188)
  工作本身就是 生活的藝術之一啊~~~~ 呵呵 /無內容 - 無為 04/22/09 (276)
    Not time for ____, that's bad.  /無內容 - Rocher 04/22/09 (220)
    agree if enjoy y not 24 hrs?  /無內容 - psi 04/22/09 (188)
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