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送交者: 井蛙 2016年03月24日14:01:06 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
川普一票,理由如下:(This is from network,大致翻譯了一下)

DONALD TRUMP 2016 Supporting his own campaign (唐川普2016選舉不花納稅人的錢)
Will not accept a Presidential salary (當總統不要工資)
Will fix social security(完善社保)
Will secure our borders(保護邊境)
Will rebuild our military (重振美軍)
Will lower our taxes----- families up to $75,000 no tax (降低稅收 -- 歲入7萬5以下的家庭免稅)
Will keep us safe (保證我們的安全)
Will deport illegals which currently cost us billions for support(驅逐被白養的非法移民)
Will bring high paying jobs back from China,Japan, Mexico and others. More than 4 trillion dollars in lost business and growing since BILLY BOB made them Tariff Free Zones(增加高收入就業)
Will kill Obamacare and replace it with a much better plan at far less cost
Lets get back our great Country and call it a lesson learned while under CLINTON"S BUSH AND OBUMA !!! (是美國重歸偉大的時候了,過去就算是我們在克林頓布什奧巴馬領導下交了學費吧)

There are NO other candidate that addresses the needs of the American people except Mr. Trump. These needs are discussed all over our country. (除了川先生,沒哪個候選人說起美國人民的需要,而全國人民到處都在談論這些需求)
Now we finally have a man who is smart enough and so dedicated to fix these problems.(現在終於有一個聰明又肯干的人要來解決問題了)
We have given others 15 years to help but, all of them have just made the problem worse. They sit back and laugh at us while the line their own pockets from the big donors and special interest groups!!!! (我們給了他們15年時間,但他們在這段時間裡卻讓事情變得越來越糟,他們口袋裡裝滿了為自身利益資助他們做代言人的錢,然後就坐在那裡看我們的笑話!!!

WE HAVE HAD THE WORST NOW LETS ELECT THE BEST!! (我們經歷了最差勁的,現在讓我們來選出最優秀的!!)
標 題 (必選項):
內 容 (選填項):
回國機票$360起 | 商務艙省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出爐:海航獲五星
海外華人福利!在線看陳建斌《三叉戟》熱血歸回 豪情築夢 高清免費看 無地區限制
一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
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2015: 貼張美女圖。國內某銀行支行的一個小團
2014: 香港有個球的科技創意,我草!說這話也
2014: 這還叫“搭配”?混搭的祖宗了。御用裁
2013: 經濟發達地區和經濟落後地區,該這樣區
2013: 我有種感覺,雖然沒有驗證過,凡是農村
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2011: 旅途中想到了一個絕好的idea。
2011: 我為什麼帖《Beyond Borders》?