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送交者: hakh 2017年06月23日08:59:27 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
拉薩騷亂與洛杉磯騷亂的相似之處 徐明旭 馮源 3∙14騷亂與1992年的洛杉磯騷亂有相似之處,這對中國和世界都是一個警示。挑起這些事件的人都使用了爭人權、反歧視、爭取自由和正義等理由,然而廣泛的搶劫、縱火、打砸、傷害生命卻是事實的真相。在洛杉磯,白人、朝鮮裔、黑人的店鋪被洗竊、砸爛、燒毀,53人喪失生命,許多人受傷。在拉薩,20座建築被燒毀,908家店鋪、120間房屋、7所學校、5家醫院被砸爛,銀行被搶,許多車輛被燒,18平民被殺害或燒死,400多人被打傷。洛杉磯和拉薩的騷亂者做了同樣的事:他們從店鋪里拿走所有他們能搬動的東西,毆打或者乾脆殺掉妨礙他們行徑的人,燒掉所有他們拿不走的東西。兩地騷亂者的行為都具有仇富特徵,表現出渴望通過剝奪他人一夜暴富,以及毀滅一切他們無法占有的東西的瘋狂。在這種情形下,中美兩國政府應對國內暴力騷亂的選擇基本相同。這說明仇富情結是社會心理現象,存在於所有種族、民族文化群落、國家和社會之中。產生仇富情結的原因遠比族群關係複雜,其強大的破壞力不容低估。 (譯文)Lhasa 3·14 Riot carried strong similarities with Los Angeles Riot 1992, which gave the Chinese and the world a warning. Political reasons of human rights, anti-discrimination, and seeking for justice and liberty were used in both cases by some who initiated these events. However, wide-spread looting, arson, ransacking, plundering, and killing were the real happenings. In Los Angeles, the stores owned by White, Korean and Black Americans were looted, broken, and burnt; 52 people died, and many wound. In Lhasa, there were over 300 arsons and 20 buildings were burnt down; 908 stores and shops, over 120 houses, seven schools, and six hospitals defaced; banks robbed; vehicles burnt; 18 people died of violence, and over 400 people were wound. The material damage in Lhasa alone was over ¥300,000,000. The rioters in either LA or Lhasa did the same thing: they took what they could carry from the stores, beat or killed people who stood in their way, and put on fire what they left behind. The behaviors of the mobs in those riots shared a pattern of hatred against the rich, a desire to become rich overnight by depriving others, and a drive to ruin what they cannot own. It suggests that the hatred of the rich complex as a socio-psychological phenomenon exists across ethnic and cultural groups, races, and nations. Its causes are much more complicated than inter-group relations, and its damaging power must not be ignored. 1992年洛杉磯騷亂 1992年洛杉磯騷亂也叫羅德尼∙金起義或羅德尼∙金暴亂。1992年4月29日,洛杉磯法院裁定錄像顯示暴打黑人司機的4名白人警察無罪。幾個小時後,騷亂爆發。該錄像是一平民拍攝,經電視台編輯,向全國反覆播放。最初伸張正義和爭取公民權的訴求迅速發展成大規模騷亂,發生大量搶劫、縱火、毆打、殺人事件。 騷亂持續了數天,導致52人死亡(有的說是53人),超過2000人受傷,大約有10000人被捕, 5000多座建築物被毀,造成超過10億美元的財產損失(Lieberman, 1992)。據洛杉磯縣警察局說,騷亂者大多是拉丁裔和非洲裔美國人(Chang & Diaz-Veizades, 1999),白人占小部分。一群黑人男子攻擊一名白人卡車司機的場景被拍攝下來,由電視台播出,場景與羅德尼∙金被毆打的場面十分相似。許多黑人擁有的商業場所也遭到搶劫,損壞或燒毀。有的白人街區也受到騷亂影響。破壞最嚴重的是韓裔社區。許多暴徒以亞裔商企為搶劫破壞目標,理由是這些商企剝削了黑人(Encarta, 2007)。在缺乏警察保護的情況下,韓裔店主採取極端措施,用獵槍和手槍對付縱火和搶劫者。為了平息騷亂,政府地方和聯邦政府實施宵禁,派出國民警衛隊,最後派出了陸軍和海軍陸戰隊。 (譯文)The LA Riot 1992 The LA Riot 1992 is also called the Rodney King Uprising or the Rodney King Riots. It broke out on April 29, 1992 in Los Angels, a few hours after a jury acquitted four policemen accused in a videotaped beating of a black motorist following a high-speed pursuit. The amateur video was taken by an onlooker, edited by a television station, and then broadcasted nationwide repeatedly. The initial grievances for injustice and police brutality quickly developed into widespread riots of looting, arson, savage beating, and killing (Ellis et al, 1992). The riot lasted for several days, ending with 52 people killed (some said 53), over 2000 injured, around 10,000 arrested, more than 5000 buildings defaced, resulting in over $1 billion in property loss (Lieberman, 1992). According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department, the crowd involved in the lawless actions was mostly of Latino and African Americans (Chang & Diaz-Veizades, 1999). A small portion of them were White people (See Slides 15-33). A brutal assault of a White truck driver by a group of black men was videotaped and broadcasted; the scene was very similar to the Rodney King beating. Some black-owned businesses were also looted, damaged, or burnt. Some White neighborhoods were affected. The most hurt was the more prosperous Koreatown. Many rioters targeted Asian-owned businesses, which they viewed as exploiting Blacks (Encarta, 2007). In the absence of police protection, the Korean store owners applied vigilante tactics and defended their businesses against arsonists and looters with shotguns and pistols. To control the large-scale disorder, the local and federal governments first exercised curfew, then dispatched National Guards, and eventually sent the Army and Marine soldiers. 2008年西藏騷亂 這個事件在中國被稱為3·14騷亂。騷亂的起因是一個充滿爭議的話題,因為它並不像西方媒體報道的那樣簡單。根據中國官方消息、第三方觀察者、以及一些西方報道,騷亂是由拉薩郊區哲蚌寺和色拉寺的僧侶在3月10日要求獨立的遊行引起。從一開始,警察勸說他們回到自己的寺院。他們中有的人因為違法行為在12日被帶到警察局接受調查。次日,色拉寺的一些僧侶要求放回他們還在警察局的同伴。14日, 300多起縱火事件突然在拉薩同時發生,標誌着這起近二十年來最嚴重騷亂開始。遵照上級指示,警察非常克制,罵不還口,打不還手。為了控制暴力行徑蔓延,後來趕到的士兵和防暴警察只使用催淚彈和盾牌,沒有開一槍(新華社,2008;BBC,2008)。(見圖片34-55,音像-2) 在騷亂中,一些騷亂者大喊,“吃糌粑的都站出來!”(號召其他藏人加入他們打漢人和回人。)許多年輕男女西藏人衝到大街上燒殺搶掠。他們用石塊、刀子、金屬棍、木棍、甚至開水襲擊警察。警察排成人牆保護學校、銀行、商店、郵局和政府機構,他們手中無槍,只能用盾牌和頭盔保護他們自己。暴徒襲擊街上的漢族、回族甚至藏族的遊客,一些人被打死。他們毀壞清真寺,焚燒古蘭經;焚燒汽車、消防車、摩托車、自行車;搶劫百貨公司、珠寶店、服裝店,並縱火將店鋪燒掉。這些搶掠者帶走他們所能帶走的,用從家具店搶來的床墊、桌子、椅子堵塞交通。小學生們受到驚嚇,躲在學校的角落裡發抖、啼哭。一些電站被毀,引起一些區域大規模停電(新華社,2008)。 (譯文)Tibet Riot 2008 This event is also known as Lhasa 3·14 Riot in China. The cause of this event has been a controversial topic because it was not as that simple as was commented by the Western media. According to China’s official news agency, third-party observers, and some Western reports, the monks from Drepung and Sera Monasteries in suburban Lhasa stirred up the unrest by demonstrating for independence on March 10. The policemen persuaded them to return to their temples from the very beginning. A number of them were brought to the police station for investigation of their provocative lawless behavior on the 12th. On the next day, some Sera monks rallied for release of their fellows held in the police station. On the 14th, all of a sudden, over 300 arsons took place in Lhasa at the same time, horning the start of the worst riot in the past two decades there. Following the instruction from the authority, the policemen exercised high-degree restraint, never using abusive words, no fighting back when beaten. To control the widespread violence, the late-coming soldiers and riot policemen used tear gas and shields only (Xinhua News Agency, 2008; BBC, 2008). (See Slides 34-55.) During the disorder, some rioters shouted slogans for independence and yelled, “These who eat zanba[1] come out!” (Asking other Tibetans to join them and beat non-Tibetan Chinese.) Many young Tibetans, male and female, rushed to the streets and did looting, robbery, arson, and physical assaulting. They attacked policemen with rocks, knives, metal and wooden sticks, and even boiling water. The riot policemen formed human walls to protect schools, banks, stores, post offices, and government buildings. What they could use to protect themselves were shields and helmets. The rioters attacked Han, Hui, and even Tibetan passengers they saw in the streets. They defaced Mosques and burnt the Koran; burnt vehicles, fire engines, motors, and bicycles; looted department stores; robbed jewelry and clothing shops before setting them on fire. The looters took away what they could carry, and blocked traffic with mattresses, tables, and chairs grabbed from furniture stores. Pupils were scared, crying and trembling at corners in their schools. Some power stations were broken, causing large-scale power out in several areas (Xinhua News Agency, 2008).
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