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送交者: 對對眼 2017年10月18日11:11:33 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

當選,則股市將大跌10%以上。偶一個朋友聽信了他們的話,把401的錢投在股市裡的錢全放在cash account  。後來眼看着股市蒸蒸日上,想進去又怕逢高而進再遭慘跌。這樣猶豫不決直到今日。失去了整整一年的大增長機會,真是欲哭無淚。希望這裡的川黑們還不至於如此,嘿嘿黑嘿

CNN Money Oct 16h 2016 預測: If Donald Trump wins the election, U.S. stocks (and likely many other markets overseas) will almost certainly tank. How big of a drop? Forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisors predicts an 8% fall in the U.S. A new paper out Friday from the Brookings Institute projects a 10% to 15% nosedive. You get the idea.
A Trump victory would be "America's Brexit." It would shock U.S. and global markets, much like the surprise June referendum in the U.K. where 52% voted to leave the European Union.
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Almost everyone on Wall Street currently predicts Hillary Clinton will win the White House. A Trump triumph would likely cause investors to flee stocks to the safety of gold and bonds. Trump is the king of unpredictability (something Wall Street hates), and he's campaigned on an anti-trade agenda, which wouldn't be good for big business.

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