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送交者: 對對眼 2018年01月29日11:54:41 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

House panel poised to vote on surveillance memo release, as FBI boss pays visit to Hill

Fox News 5 hours ago 

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A key House committee is set to vote as early as Monday on whether to make public a classified memo that top congressional Republicans say details government surveillance abuses -- and has emerged at the center of a power struggle in Washington.  Those who have seen the document suggest it reveals what role the unverified anti-Trump "dossier" played in the application for a surveillance warrant on at least one President Trump associate.  While the White House seems to favor the memo's release, the Justice Department has pushed back hard. Sources told Fox News' Catherine Herridge that FBI Director Christopher Wray went to the Capitol on Sunday to view the four-page memo.  According to one source, ...

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