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送交者: Pascal 2018年02月20日23:21:14 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


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             作者: 程映虹



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Image result for victor gollancz  

Sir Victor Gollancz ( 9 April 1893 – 8 February 1967) was a British publisher and humanitarian.

Image result for victor gollancz

  俱乐部的领导人叫维克多·戈伦茨(Victor Gollancz)。他是一个社会主慦怴A一个群众运动的组织家,同时也是一个精明的书商。他有一家出版公司,就以自己的名字命名(Victor Gollancz Ltd)。三十年代,在经济危机和法西斯主慦澈胁下,他认为资本主撏N要完蛋了,世界的前途往好里说是社会主憛A往坏里说是法西斯,但英国人都看不到这一点,他要用书籍来擦亮他们的眼睛,于是想出了组织读书俱乐部的主意 ( 1942年年底,他曾撰文预言,希特勒的第三帝国将会屠杀掉欧洲六百丌犹太人 )。

  俱乐部成立以后,由于它给很多在经济危机和战争威胁下惶恐不安而又 所适从的人指出了一个方向,提供了一个互相交流和安慰的场合,既有严肃的讨论,又有轻松的娱乐,还打破了社会阶层和地区的樊篪、为男女社交供了方便,于是很快就由一个读书会变成了热热闹闹的群众组织。



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  可笑又可悲的是:正是俱乐部为之赞美和陶醉的苏联给了它意想不到的打击。一九三九年八月二十三日,社会主苏联和法西斯德国突然签署互不侵犯条约,两个死敌一下变成了友邦。俱乐部的所有成员,包括戈伦茨,都被斯大林的这个贝w惊得目瞪口呆。他们就像是坐在开往莫斯科的列车上,被一个意外的急转弯弄得天旋地转,大部分成员被抛出了车厢,跌得头破血流,重则咒骂斯大林和苏联是叛徒,诅咒发誓这辈子再也不粘左派的边,轻则写信给戈伦茨,就像弃儿一般可怜而焦急地问道:我们该怎厶办?谁来指引航向?俱乐部收到雪片般飞来的退出俱乐部的声明,很多人甚至不屑声明退出,就 声 息地从名单上消失了。

  戈伦茨也不知道是怎厶一回事。但商人的直觉使他知道该怎厶办。他允许发表批判苏联的言论,还找到早就看穿了斯大林的乔治·奥威堙A和他一起组稿出版了《左派的背叛》。但一切为时已晚。建立在苏联崇拜基础上的俱乐部元气已经伤尽,戈伦茨只能呆坐在他伦敦的总部里,看茼a图上那标志茤鶪辉煌的 数小红旗发愣,给解雇的女秘书们发遣散费。虽然在名樽W俱乐部一直存在到一九四六年,但一九四O年以后它已经成了一具僵尸。



The creation of the Left Book Club was a unique event. It was the first book club in Britain, the first socialist book club, and its overriding feature was that it brought together all elements of the Left. Historically, despite many attempts, no one had ever achieved left unity on such a scale. The book club was more than just a club,  it was seen by all who took part as a political movement, that stimulated its members to work together for a better future. When the first socialist government took power in Britain in 1945, a significant number of senior members of the new government had received their earlier training through the Left Book Club. Ernest Bevin, Herbert Morrison and nine other Left Book Club authors sat in the Cabinet, including the new Prime Minister. The Left Book Club’s achievement was due in part to the social and political conditions of the time, and to the character of its founder, Victor Gollancz.

The Left Book Club was a child of its time. I think people sometimes forget that governments before 1945 openly worked primarily for the owners of large capital, for the wealthy.  Workers in the 19th century had made important gains through struggles for democracy, and through the creation of trades unions. Up until 1914, relations between Labour and the owners of Capital had changed little since Karl Marx wrote in the 1850s and 60s. The advent of the Liberal Party had instituted some changes, but generally speaking Parliament represented the owners of Capital.  Despite the huge sacrifices of human life and resources in the 1914-18 war, where nearly a million young men died, government policy in 1919 made no concessions for the death and suffering of the people.


By 1940 membership had dropped from 57,000 to 36,000, and by 1941 the monthly sections were down to print runs of around 10,000 copies. The defence of Stalingrad increased the popularity of the club again and by 1945 the monthly print run was up to 18,000 copies. These numbers would make any subsequent Socialist publisher drool with envy. After the defeat of Nazi Germany the immediate political issues that had sustained the club fell away; these included the economic crises, the Spanish civil war, the agitation for collective security, and the idea of the popular front. Most importantly Gollancz’s own focus changed, as he turned to relief for Germany and nuclear disarmament. The focus of the fight for a just society had shifted once again, and the special brand of a brilliant leader had changed. After 1945, in part thanks to the Left Book Club, a welfare state had been established, and, except for a few short years of austerity, standards of living in Britain rose year after year up to the 1970s.

    Heaven  on  Earth  6  -  British  Socialism

 天上人间 —— 大不列颠及北爱兰社会主

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