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送交者: 福祿 2019年09月05日05:50:12 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Poll: Voters want US to confront China over trade

More than two-thirds of American voters want the U.S. to confront Beijing over its trade policies despite believing that they are suffering more from tariffs than China, a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill found.

The poll showed 63 percent of registered voters said that tariffs imposed on Chinese products ultimately hurt the U.S. more than China, while 74 percent said that American consumers are shouldering most of the burden of those tariffs.

But 67 percent said that it is necessary to confront China over its trade practices, which President Trump and his allies have deemed unfair to the U.S. 

“President Trump has the strong support of the American public when it comes to standing up to China,” Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, said. “They realize that the tariffs may have negative impacts on jobs and prices, but they believe the fight here is the right one.”

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