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送交者: Pascal 2019年12月30日21:06:27 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

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中国航空母舰战斗群为纸质老虎  美媒今日反华毒文



China's Aircraft Carriers 

Are a Paper Tiger (For Now)

It all comes down to a few simple facts.

Inline image

by David Axe   December 30, 2019

The Chinese navy on Dec. 17, 2019 commissioned into service its second aircraft carrier, Shandong. China’s leader Xi Jinping presided over the commissioning ceremony at a naval base in Sanya, on the southern island of Hainan, the ship’s home port.

With Shandong in service, the Chinese fleet now ties the Royal Navy as the second-biggest operator of carriers that are capable of operating fixed-wing aircraft. The U.S. Navy, the number-one carrier power, possesses 20 ships capable of launching and recovering airplanes.

Shandong is a somewhat improved copy of China’s first flattop Liaoning, herself a refurbished ex-Ukrainian vessel dating from the late 1980s. Shandong boasts roomier hangars and as such reportedly can embark up to 36 fixed-wing fighters, as opposed to the 24 that fit aboard Liaoning.

But the slightly bigger air wing still suffers crippling limitations that could prevent Shandong from ever playing a meaningful role in a major conflict.

It all comes down to a few simple facts. China operates just one carrier-capable fighter, the J-15. A copy of the Soviet Su-33, the J-15 is heavy. In fact, at 19 tons empty, it’s the heaviest fixed-wing carrier plane currently in service anywhere in the world. The U.S. Navy’s own F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter weighs just 16 tons empty.

The J-15’s weight might not be a major issue if Chinese carriers featured catapults like American carriers do. But they don’t. Instead, both Liaoning and Shandong launch their planes via a bow-mounted ramp. The ramp launch method imparts much less energy that catapult-launch can do, meaning the Chinese carriers planes must keep down their loaded weight.

The Washington, D.C. Center for Strategic and International Studies estimated the J-15’s maximum takeoff weight during carrier operations to be around 31 tons. America’s 10 nuclear-powered supercarriers with their catapults can launch planes weighing up to 50 tons.

At 31 tons, the J-15 can carry only minimal fuel and weapons. Indeed, no public photos or videos of Chinese carriers operations have depicted J-15s launching while carrying more than a few small air-to-air missiles. Realistically, J-15s wouldn’t be able to haul a meaningful weapons load into combat.

Aerial refueling somewhat could mitigate that weight limitation. But “the practice remains difficult to execute, and the [Chinese navy’s] refueling capabilities are not yet fully developed,” CSIS explained.

Chinese officials are well aware of the J-15’s problems. “Its weight is one of the key reasons military leaders have pushed for the use of an electromagnetic aircraft launch system – rather than steam-powered catapults – on China’s third carrier, which is currently under construction,” South China Morning Post noted.

But even launching via catapult, the J-15 could prove to be a dog -- especially if the catapult is steam-powered. “If China insisted on using steam-powered catapults to launch the J-15, it would look like forcing a toddler to run with [Chinese hurdler] Liu Xiang and [Jamaican sprinter] Usain Bolt,” an unnamed expert told South China Morning Post. “That would be so embarrassing!”

China like the United States is working on more efficient electromagnetic catapults. The Chinese navy reportedly plans to install the electromagnetic launchers on the country’s third carrier, which could commission in the mid-2020s. Beijing reportedly aims to acquire just four carriers including Liaoning and Shandong.

In a 2017 interview with China Central Television, Chinese navy rear admiral Yin Zhuo, a senior researcher at the fleet’s research center, said China had complete “hundreds of [land-based] tests” with the new catapult and J-15s. But the electromagnetic catapult is a new technology and has proved difficult even for the Americans to build. It’s unclear whether China’s version of the catapult will be ready in time for the third carrier’s launch.

Under the best of circumstances, China’s future carrier fleet with its four flattops will include at most two vessels that are capable of launching J-15s with full loads of weapons and fuel. The other two carriers will continue launching fighters that are too heavy for their ramps and thus incapable of hauling the weapons and fuel they’d need in order to actually contribute to an aerial battle.

David Axe serves as Defense Editor of the National Interest. He is the author of the graphic novels  War Fix, War Is Boring and Machete Squad.






一切都归结为一些简单的事实。中国仅运营一架具备航母能力的战斗机,即J-15。 J-15是苏联Su-33的复制品,很重。实际上,这是一架空载19吨的飞机,是目前世界上服务最重的固定翼运输机。美国海军自己的F / A-18E / F超级大黄蜂战斗机仅重16吨。




空中加油可以减轻重量限制。但是,“这种做法仍然很难执行,[中国海军]的加油能力还没有得到充分发展,” CSIS解释说。

中国官员非常了解J-15的问题。 《南极早报》指出:“重量是军事领导人推动在中国正在建造的中国第三艘航母上使用电磁飞机发射系统而不是蒸汽动力弹射器的关键原因之一。”

但是即使通过弹射器发射,J-15还是可以证明是狗-特别是如果弹射器是蒸汽驱动的。一位不愿透露姓名的专家告诉《南华早报》:“如果中国坚持使用蒸汽弹射器来发射J-15,那看起来就像是强迫幼儿与[中国跨栏运动员]刘翔和[牙买加短跑运动员] Usain Bolt一起奔跑。” 。 “那太尴尬了!”




大卫·阿克斯(David Ax)担任国家利益的国防编辑。他是图画小说《战争修正》,《战争无聊》和《弯刀小队》的作者。

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