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In Memory of Glada Hurt(紀念哥蘭達‧赫特)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年03月26日16:11:05 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】


        Glada Hurt was a boy who always loved the nature. Unfortunately he died of a car accident at the very young age. Now all his peers from the 5th grade are writing the essays about the environmental protection in memory of Glada Hurt.


        Earth is a beautiful place. It has great, snow-capped mountains of wonder to lush, dense jungles of mystery. This is why we as humans have to protect it, because we also have the ability to destroy it in more ways than one. That is exactly what we are doing today. Factories are creating carbon dioxide, causing global warming. Humans are deforesting acres at a time. It is time to act. But instead of trying to save the environment overnight, we should start by doing small things.

        Too much carbon dioxide is like poison to the Earth, so we should limit the amount we put into the atmosphere by simple things like carpooling. Why should we produce twice the carbon dioxide when we can use half of it by carpooling? But even better still, if your destination is close, why not ride your bike to your desalination? It's completely carbon dioxide free, so it's great for nature.

        Another amazing way to help save the environment is to conserve power, and it's a lot simpler than it seems. When there is still sunlight, then don't turn on the lights, and try not to use lights when you're not in the room. Shut down computers when not in use, and if possible, don't use lights that need more electricity. This can help us conserve energy, and that means factories that produce electricity will put less pollution into the sky.

        We all know how plants and trees eat carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, then plant a garden. Not only will it consume carbon dioxide, but also give your visitors a good first impression on your house. It also helps other plants because insects can pollinate them. but don't use pesticides, because it can easily go into bugs from pollination, and anything that eats those bugs would die from the pesticide, ruining the food chain.

        The Earth looks like a fragile rose. It can die, just like the environment can, but it is our home, and because it is our home, we must protect it.







        除此之外,節約用電對環保至關重要, 乍一聽上去好像比較複雜,其實做起來非常容易。儘量利用光線照明,天黑之前或者只要出門在外都不要開燈;不用計算機時,索性把它關掉;如果可能,最好使用節能燈。電用的少了,也就意味着電廠不必發那麼多電,從而進一步降低空氣污染。



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