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Boardwalk on the Beach,MD(馬里蘭州海濱步行大道)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年03月29日07:55:26 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Ocean City MD0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        Ocean City of Maryland was starting to disappoint me. There was a boardwalk with no entertainment on the beach. The attractions were only seen in town including the eateries, and everything was ridiculously expensive. For example, a diner at the Embers Restaurant would be worth $35 for a meal of all-you-can-eat (AUCE), while at home it would almost treat 2 people. A diner at Blu Crabhouse & Raw Bar could cost $120 for an AUCE jumbo crab buffet. A crab was the size of my head while the diner only ate two before burping. It's 60 bucks for a single crab! Think of how many video games I could buy with that amount of cash.

        Also this Ocean City didn't offer any treats like funnel cake. Instead, shops sold pizza and other junks that cost way too much.

        It is funny that there were a ton of miniature golf areas. They seemed to attract more tourists than the other recreation. Dad and I enjoyed a 18-hole course which took at least 2 hours. It looked like more about being in a lively atmosphere than playing, considering no one was really wandering the streets.

        Recommendation: go to beaches with versatile boardwalks.






06-20-14_Ocean City of MD-50001.JPG

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