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GHCS Camp—Chinese Chess(光華中文學校夏令營中國像棋)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月02日07:34:27 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        Chess is very hard. It uses knowledge for battle strategies and predicts the opponent's moves. Chinese Chess needs the exactly same skills, just with a few different pieces. There are 1 general/marshal (king/queen), 2 advisors/guards, 2 horses (knights), 2 elephants/ministers (bishops), 2 chariots (rooks), 2 cannons, 5 pawns/soldiers (8 pawns) in black and red pieces of Chinese Chess over its counterpart. I didn't enjoy playing it until I was physically in the summer camp of Guanghua Chinese School.

        First of all, the horse can't jump over the pieces if there's one in front of it. In regular Chess, the horse would probably be number two on the most favored list and can go any place without hesitation. Also, the elephant can't go past the half board across the Chu-Han river. It only can move 2 spaces at a time, so it's more of a defender.

        There are two brand new pieces. One of them is the Cannon. The cannon must use another piece to attack. It jumps over the 1st piece to attack the one behind it. The other new piece is kind of like a protector of the General or Advisor. You see, in this game the General and the advisor are only allowed to move inside of a fortress. The fortress is 3 by 3 and the General can move up, down, left, and right. His Advisor can move diagonally. Be careful, a Cannon can jump over them to take your General.

        The Chinese Chess is very much like the Chess. It seems as if it has an upgrade, but the layout looks like the same. This is to all you Chess fans out there! Try Chinese Chess and I won't be surprised if you like Chinese Chess better.






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