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Everglades NP,FL(佛州大沼泽地国家公园)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月05日08:46:07 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Everglades NP0001.JPG

Aiden in English

        What better way is there to finish a summer trip to the Everglades NP of Florida? So when our bags got packed, we left our Glory Carnival to revisit some world famous Everglade Alligators.

        Please keep it in mind that alligators eat humans, but only for reasons.

                1. They're hungry. Very, very hunger.

                2. You're threatening them.

                3. They're extremely pissed off at you.

        The third one doesn't happen a lot since alligators tolerate a lot of pokes, slaps, and punches. Do not test that theory on wild alligators. Their personalities could differ.

        There is one huge question floating around. What's the difference between alligators and crocodiles? It is Simple. First of all, alligators have larger tongues and round snouts, while crocs have smaller and sharp ones. Secondly, alligators only live in fresh water, while crocs stay in both fresh and salt water habitats. Last, alligators don't consider human beings to be food, while crocs don't mind to eat people at all.

        Alligators are really amazing lizards/reptiles/cold-blooded animals. They are not the monsters you think they are, although you should be careful around them. Now that I know the truth, I'll be back to see them again.










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