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YMCA Camp—Bullet Game(基督教青年会营子弹游戏)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月06日14:50:45 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Ever play the Bullet Game? Well, if you wonder what in the world I am talking about, the Bullet Game is when you line up, and whoever can catch the pass thrown by the QB can stay in. If you drop it, you have to say goodbye. Once you catch the ball, you step back in line at the end. The final person standing wins.

        We played the Bullet Game in our flag football camp for a while. And the QB, our counselor was turning up the heat. For the 4th grade and above kids, the counselor really blasted the ball. As I caught the bullet, the force knocked me over. I became very cautious, considering that throw could give me a decent concussion. For the 3rd graders to the 1st graders, they got a little bullet. Obviously, they advanced, but slowly, the youngsters dropped it. Soon, it was just me and another 5th grader. We went back and forth for a little. Then finally, the ball came loose from my hands. At that very instant, I knew I could win. Despite the pain, I reached out and grabbed the ball. The other kid wasn't so lucky. He was finished too.

        Today, my limit was tested. I was pushed as hard as I could at catching and I succeeded. Sometimes, you just need to push the limit, and you might be able to do what you desire.





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