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Final Soccer Practice(賽季前臨陣磨槍)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月09日13:16:32 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        Ever get that jittery feeing when something's about to begin? Well, tonight is the final practice before the kickoff of the fall season. Previously, it was all laughter and running around pretending to be like Renaldo, a Brazilian super forward or Messi, an Argentine alien. But today was for real. The pace seemed fast, and if you weren't keeping up, you would run a lap. For me, it was a long night.

        We ended the practice with a game of world cup. I was partnered up with Sean's brother, Collin. We came out as the unexpected winners. Is it because a defense man and a 4th grader winning the world cup? There wasn’t something that comes around every day. However, after many close calls, we came out on top, and in one piece. May I say that the game winning kicks with my left foot? I began to transfer the ball to my right. In that very instant I was about to let it rip, I swiped the ball to my left. The defender thought the shot was coming and winced. So instead, I dribbled left once, and ripped the ball into the upper left of the net.

        I don't know how good the other team is tomorrow. But I just have to say three words: BRING IT ON!






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