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送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月09日07:43:54 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        No one enjoys having crutches. At least, that’s what I expect before this school year comes around. Everyone seems to have a pair so far, and it is becoming a trend at school.

        A year ago, it would not be cool at all to get crutches since the rooms so close together in my elementary school. Nowadays, middle school requires a few minutes to travel between classes. The only good thing I can see about having crutches is that you can leave class early to get to your next. As the classes go on, kids with injuries are beginning to leave earlier and earlier to skip class (I would too), but require a partner to take their backpack and stuff. The first sign of the trend appeared a few weeks ago when three kids all either sprained or broke their lower leg simultaneously. Coincidence, I think not! First, Collin was hit by a car. Of all the excuses, I would not recommend that one. Not only did it show that his parents did not teach him the basic rule of crossing the road. It tells me that this kid can’t be trusted to do anything. The next Friday, a friend of mine walked in with a pair of crutches. Apparently, he had an accident in gymnastics. So far, I wasn’t all that suspicious. It started to get out of hand when a few days later, however, a close friend of mine happened to trip on a crack and twisted his ankle. The good part is that he deserved it. The bad part is that he now bullies me with his crutches.

        The most recent was about three days ago, when another friend of mine Robbie was playing soccer. He didn’t tell me much, but he only used one crutch. Still, we had some of the same classes, which meant I had to help him get from point A to point B. An example would be that the teacher held us to the bell after band lessons, in which it took my friend and me five minutes to pack up. Our school’s system had a late pass, where late kids had an excuse, but must be signed by the teacher. Well, the band teacher misplaced the pass, and so I stood there for another five minutes. Now my friend was still there and everyone else disappeared. With no other way out of the situation, I carried his stuff to his room, then to mine. The time span was ten minutes to do so, and I became twenty minutes late for Math.

        Crutches are the new shoes: you have them means you’re cool. Well, I don’t want any, even if it means the road to fame. Although it would be nice to bully my lunch table mates for their food, it can really set a kid back in school.







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