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Persuade─Reading Growth, Change & Path(勸說文─閱讀之我見)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月09日08:03:24 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        As the years flew by, and I went through the transformation from young, idiotic kindergarteners self to the blooming, bright student I am today. Although I have changed so much throughout the course of elementary school, many interests of mine remain unfazed. 

        A pattern developed in the books I read, and it was that I usually picked out books with action, mystery, or at least some adventure. I like hearing the stories of people facing great danger and impossible-seeming odds, and also the crazy, unbelievable different universes out there. The books most of the time had an external conflict, such as an intergalactic war or a zombie apocalypse. These stories drew me in the most for some reason, shaping my imagination until, all of a sudden, here I am now, as the reader that the past has led up to. 

        Yet the books I read had another thing in common, and that was a good under-lying conflict. Most fiction stories have this gigantic problem that gets resolved at the end of the story, and everyone lives happily ever after. However, the novels and authors that entice my mind and attention are those that never let the audience really get a break to recollect their thoughts and replay the resolution. These books I find better because the author doesn’t give me a chance to settle down. Instead, the stories I enjoy would be even more unsettled, like a betrayal at the last moment, or a sudden realization of the true evil plan. Usually, this kind of story would have a sequel, and that is why I like it. Even at the end of a good novel, there is something to look forward to.

        Nevertheless, a book is a good friend. Reading makes a man graceful.






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