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Two Palaces in St. Petersburg, Russia(俄羅斯聖彼得堡兩宮殿)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月20日11:06:31 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Peterhof & Catherine Palace0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        From hearing the name, you can expect that Peter is an important figure in this city. Not only are you correct, but you also now know one of the largest people in Russian history. Peter is in a long family line of royal blood that has been ruling the country for centuries. There are many Peters in the house of Romanov, seven, to be exact, so to narrow things down, I am talking about Peter the Great, or Peter the Third, or the only Peter that people like in Russia (Peter Tchaikovsky not included). 

        The idea behind today's tour was to visit Peter the Great summer palace known as Peterhof, or "Russian Versailles". When people like you as a king, you can do crazy things. For example, you give an architect an unlimited budget for an ornate building like the best palace as much as possible. Assuming money can buy happiness, and this architect packed so much happiness into a house as he could. To start, the palace had to be big. After getting an image in your head, double the size. Then double it again. To get from one end of the property to the other required a lot of walking, enough to tire many people in our group out. Just saying, the sightseeing was meant to have "severe" walking distance. Now that the perimeter has been set, imagine a regular stone house. Then, make every crease, joint, and ceiling carving in the walls gold, every chair, picture frame, and case covered in gems. Add mosaics of diamonds, emeralds, and rubies, and world-renowned artwork. Finally, you have extremely waxed floors that make everyone shaky and have the tourists wear disposable shoe coverings to make the entire thing seem ten times more expensive. By looking at the items, I still wonder why the palace ever asks for donations for restorations when you can simply pluck off a loose diamond or gold useless door handle and sell it for a few grand. If the idea that every gem was in the palace wasn't even enough, they added an amber room. In case you didn't know, amber, if made correctly, looks like a fire flickering in a glowing, translucent stone. 

        Not only do the Russians like Peter’s, but they also like Catherine’s. Queen Catherine had the second grand palace of St. Petersburg, and it matched Peterhof every inch of the way. In the line of royals, Catherine was not supposed to be a ruler, but she led a revolution against her estranged empirical husband and claimed the throne at the age of 34. As a German descent, Catherine the Great had controlled Russia successfully and expanded its territory from the Baltic Region where Peter the Great had overpowered to the Black Sea for another 34-year ruling until her death. The only major difference between her palace and Peterhof was the outdoor garden. It is said, in rumors, that these are over 150 fountains in Peterhof. I, personally, disagree, but it just makes it sound much more mystical. The Peterhof garden is split by the Sea Channel which consists of a row of fountains, each with perfect symmetry to another across. The most dazzling one was located in the center, featuring Samson prying open a lion's jaws spaying out water that cascaded down the stepped terraces. Very PG-13 if you ask me. 

        The Russians loved to show off wealth, and having their houses covered with money is one way to do it. Whether it makes the audience be amazed or jealous or hatred, that is another matter. It's kind of a waste, though, now that it only becomes a museum.



        之所以道出上述旁白是因為今天我們要去參觀彼得大帝離宮──彼得宮,享有“俄羅斯凡爾賽”之美譽。假如你登上皇帝寶座,難免想以各種形式名揚天下,譬如:不惜任何代價讓建築家為自己打造一座舉世無雙的宮殿,儼然擺出金錢可以買來幸福的姿態,於是這位大師盡其所能將所有代表幸福的元素全部融入使命當中。首先,宮殿必須 “大”,空間大小要比想象得成倍膨脹。第二,再使海大的奇葩翻番變成天大的極品,不讓所有到訪的遊客從宮殿的一頭走到另一頭累個半死決不善罷甘休,正如遊覽簡介上友情提示的那樣,步行距離“艱苦卓絕”。好了,既然你對宮殿規模業已心中有數,那麼就來聯想一下正常的石屋構造,每面牆、每根梁、每塊頂棚全部用純金裝飾;每把桌椅、每幅圖畫、每個鏡框全部用寶石鑲嵌;各件馬賽克藝術品傳世之作不是用鑽石,就是用祖母綠,或者用紅寶石裱背起來;最後,彼得宮的地板統統打上油光鋥亮的厚蠟,滑得大家步履維艱,而且個個事先必須武裝齊備一次性鞋套,其費用消耗大有貴出十倍之勢。留心盤算細目,我禁不住好奇彼得宮幹嗎還要收費集資以便開展修繕工作,何不就近摘取一顆散落的鑽戒,哪怕一個完全派不上用場的金門手把,隨便拿到市場上兜售,怎麼也會撈回幾個萬來八千的,假如寶石還不夠使,乾脆典當點琥珀廳里的家什。萬一你對之感覺丈二和尚摸不到頭腦,不妨告訴你吧,質量好的琥珀是半透明的樹脂化石,光亮如珍珠,色澤如瑪瑙。



2016-07-02_Catherine Palace_Grotto Pavilion-10001.JPG

2016-07-02_Catherine Palace_Main Entrance-10001.JPG

2016-07-02_Catherine Palace_Church Of the Resurrection0001.JPG

2016-07-02_Food_Ice Cream0001.JPG

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