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Hillary Clinton Puts Donald Tr
送交者: 精彩優惠1 2020年05月25日02:19:42 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Hillary Clinton has made it crystal clear what she thinks of President Donald Trump’s hyping of unproven treatments for the coronavirus.

Trump in recent weeks has repeatedly promoted the use of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a potential cure or treatment for COVID-19, contrary to the advice of the Food and Drug Administration and other government agencies that have warned against its use. He’s even claimed he’s been taking it himself as protection against the virus.

Clinton called out Trump on Friday, tweeting “the president needs to stop playing a doctor on TV.” The former secretary of state shared reporting from The Washington Post on a new analysis that discovered that taking the drug is “linked to increased risk of death in coronavirus patients.”

It was Clinton’s latest in a long line of attacks on Trump’s fumbled response to the pandemic that has now killed more than 97,000 people nationwide.

On Monday, Trump’s Democratic rival in the 2016 election tweeted that “Americans deserve a president who will listen to science and act decisively to mitigate the pandemic ― not waste time, peddle fakes cures, and wish it away.”

In March, as cases soared worldwide, Clinton hit Trump on his favorite social media platform for “turning to racist rhetoric to distract from his failures to take the coronavirus seriously early on.” She also advised Americans not to take medical advice “from a man who looked directly at a solar eclipse” and has repeatedly urged people to vote Trump out in November.

  這個老巫婆早該下地獄了.  /無內容 - 綠野仙人 05/29/20 (40)
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