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Glendalough Monastery, Ireland(愛爾蘭格蘭達洛修道院)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月25日08:30:39 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



【Aiden in English】

        The Irish are a much-labeled type of people, with stereotypes haunting every aspect of their culture. Oh, well, some may say they like the color green, but it actually is quite unlucky for their culture. Leprechauns are real people. They just were mistaken as mythical beings by the locals. Then again, I'm not sure what you would call people randomly popping out of hillsides. Relatively, the version on the 600 B.C.E events was taken very real as it could have been. At least there wasn't another religion that sprang up out of this story. 

        But what is true is that Ireland contains a history full of belief in supernatural power and religion. Figures as in St. Patrick, St. Kevin, and other religious saints have their statues and faces everywhere around the capital, and the effect of Christianity lasts even further than the cities. About an hour and a half away from Dublin, it lays a ruin of an old Glendalough Monastery burned down by flames. This area of County Wicklow has a long history of being raided by Vikings, giving another stereotype of them being a rather mad bunch of travelers. A group of "soggy campers", as we Americans would say. The monastery had a cemetery, which nowadays becomes the main attraction. 

        Legends say that under a holy trinity cross lies buried, in a deep sleep, St. Kevin. The Celtic cross is different from the other Christian symbols in the sense that the intersection is surrounded by a circle, which was the particular symbol of Ireland at the time. It represented the sun, which was considered, and really is now too, the most crucial part of society and in general, Earth. The cross and the circle are combined, showing the two most important symbols in life as a Christian living in Ireland. Most people come to see this stone tomb as well as the Irish round tower erected in the center of the cemetery in the 19th century. 

        The round tower serves a protective purpose. Earlier, I've mentioned the raids made by the Vikings. Obviously, people wouldn't have just left their stuff lying around nor have their people slaughtered in the backyard. So a 98-foot/30-meter tall, circular tower was built for the safekeeping of items and the safekeeping of people's heads. Vikings, back in the old day, liked to hit-and-run, not staying very long. Certainly not long enough for the hiding people in the tower to run out of food and water. The gateway was small enough for one man to hold the fort, and the doorway was a few meters off the ground to stop a steady flow of Vikings. But, a flaw was soon discovered, since an open flame in the tower would suffocate anyone inside. Some people must've thought, "Hey, if there aren't any openings, we'll be safe". Unfortunately, it backfired a few times, but the Vikings didn't stay that long to formulate a plan to this degree. I guess some of the TV shows starring the dumb Viking are correct. 

        Ireland's mixed history in the fabled Vikings to the historic change in St. Kevin is really something to look at. Whether you enjoy the stories of shamrocks or little men popping out of rocks, there is a legend for everyone just like Ireland: there is something for everyone.







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