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Capital Paris, France(法國首都巴黎)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月31日10:56:26 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



【Aiden in English】

        Finally, we're going into a brand new country. Not to offend any Englishmen, but you're getting old. Therefore, out with the old and in with the new. 

        Paris is the face of modern Europe. Although the UK literally runs every atom of the continent, France still has its symbol hammered into each century of the Common Era. Sure, English has the popular idea of dramatic wars and conquering other countries, but unfortunately, Napoleon was French. Nowadays, he lays, dead of course, in a museum, in Paris. I must say, he was quite a guy, a favorite of mine. Just not the death in exile part. People often say the English beat the French in many wars, including the battle for North America. Then again, the colonialists were allied with the French, and they beat the English. The unique architecture is continually a win for France, particularly Paris. 

        Sorry England, but Paris has pretty much left London in the dust in terms of architecture. Try matching up the Tower of London with Notre Dame, or the Big Ben with the Eiffel Tower. In fact, Big Ben wasn't even the architect’s name! It was his middle name, since it was either that or Big Richard, which I guess you can see why that didn't come to fruition. I'm quite thankful for this selection. While the Tower of London may be just as famous, I find it quite... dull. There isn't any color, and even if the Crown Jewels of previous successors are on display, the overall view does not change. Looking at the interior of Notre Dame, the stained glass windows, with the colorful decorations, it all seems so grand. And finally, to bundle it all together with a red velvet tie, the gothic dome was raised high up, giving a sense of grandness. It might just have been the rain of that day in the London Tower which made my perspective so negative. 

        Speaking of the weather, I must comment on the beauty of this day in Paris. Probably the best difference between France and Britain is the color 'yellow'. The 'yellow' I'm describing is the kind that comes on television on the weather channel. You know the yellow circle with the yellow rings around it. Yeah, the U.K. doesn't seem to grasp that concept all too well. France, on the one day we are here, treated us nicely, having an eighty-degree day, with scattered, fluffy clouds that weren't selfish and actually shared with the sun. Looking out from the bridges over the Seine was amazing, and the beautiful 'yellow' made the waters a turquoise shade. In fact, the yellow color became more of a golden blaze afternoon, rebounding off of roads, walls, and windows. Of course, the city was quite golden even before the sun decided to bathe it in its brightness. The Eiffel Tower, with its spider web design, although dulled from the years, stood strong in the spotlight. Thanks, Paris for lighting up our English Isles cruise. That comes in more ways than one.





        提起天氣,我必須對巴黎美言幾句。英法兩地之間的最大差異可能在於“黃色”,這裡所謂的“黃色” 指的是電視氣象台慣用的顏色。如你所知,屏幕上假如陽光普照就會塗滿一道一道黃圈。呃,英國似乎沒法享受這種福分。別看我們只在法國逗留一天,可巴黎卻讓我們感到賓至如歸,80oF/27oC風和日麗,閒舒飄逸的雲朵毫無唯我獨尊之意,在這裡慷慨地與太陽共享歡樂。穿過塞納河上座座小橋,映入眼帘的是風景如畫的都市風情,金燦燦的火焰照耀在河面,河水泛起蘭綠色餘光。過了晌午,黃色揮灑到馬路牆壁窗沿之後再被折射成金色,整個巴黎宛如披上華麗的盛裝。蜘蛛網狀結構的艾菲爾鐵塔雖然早年並不受人待及,如今業已成為遊客必經之地。感謝巴黎將此次英倫諸島之行籠罩在我們頭頂上的烏雲一掃而光,讓我們的生活變得豐富多彩。

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