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Thanksgiving Dinner(感恩節聚餐)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月06日07:58:01 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        Thanksgiving is a time to gather around a large table and have a good time. Whether it is with family, friends, or any other relationship, the tradition of coming together is extremely powerful. Because of skipping a grade, I switched Chinese classes at my time at Guanghua Chinese School. But the previous year never fully left my mind, lingering memories and thoughts continued to be stored throughout the years.

        Nowadays, it is hard to describe what it means to be together. Chinese culture usually saves these traditions for the Lunar New Year. Oddly, upon arriving at Easton Buffet for Thanksgiving, groups sprung up at the tables. My friend and I, both skipping levels, sat together, apart from most of the others. We just sat around, spending most of our virtual currency in a game. Obviously, the time spent not being together has grown many barriers. We did not talk much with others, as a sense of difference had grown between the groups. Not being the biggest fan of buffets, I hardly ate much at all. In fact, I’m quite sure I became sick during that dinner.

        Since this Thanksgiving is going to be quite uneventful, this piece should be the only one about Thanksgiving. I would, therefore, like to say some things I am thankful for. First come the basics everyone should be thankful for, such as fresh food, drinkable water, and a bed to sleep on. Life is never constant, and there is always a chance that in a blink of an eye, these things taken for granted can be stripped away. Even in America, jobs are a very large issue, and society is far from utopia. Everyone reading this should be thankful for the money and jobs they have, and that the income is enough to pay for whatever screen you are reading this article on. Sure, everyone thinks it is normal to have a computer and internet, but it really isn’t. There are enough people out there without these “normal” items, enough to make it seem “not normal”. This Thanksgiving, and every Thanksgiving for that matter, should dedicate some thanks to the simplicities and extra pleasures we have in life. More importantly, every living person needs to thank someone who has given him or her the necessities to live. Students can go to school because they don’t have to be worried about putting food on the table every night. But their guardians do, and so the children should be thankful. And to those who run the family, put food on the table. You always have someone to thank, and if not someone, then fortune or any religious figure because there are many problems happening to other people in which have not happened to you. So when everyone gathers around a table, he or she should have something to be thankful for.

        Happy Thanksgiving!






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