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Capital Budapest, Hungary(匈牙利首都布達佩斯)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月23日11:23:37 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



【Aiden in English】

        Final day? No problem. To be honest, the small cruise ship was never my style. Fine dining and conversing all night was too mature to my taste. I personally don't really care all that much about amazing, out-of-the-park food or services. What I want a cruise line to excel at is their shore excursions, especially during major ports. Such port like the capital of Hungary, Budapest.

        Fun fact: Budapest used to be two separate cities: Buda and Pest. Split by the Danube River, the city features great architectural feats along its riverbanks. The Hungarian Parliament is the largest in Europe, sitting on the Pest side. These cities, once divided, grew so much that combining was the only option, resulting in becoming the capital in recent history. Not that I know much about Eastern European history.

        Once again, we were going on a short panoramic tour, featuring the Gothic Matthias Church in front of Fisher's Bastion. From the exterior, much of the cathedral appeared to be normal, albeit a beautiful scene with the diamond pattern roof tiles and gargoyles laden spire in the 14th century. On the contrary, at first glance of the interior, one would think that it would actually be a mosque. This was because of the eastern style of the paintings and artwork on the walls. The colorful medieval paintings, stone carvings, and curvy styled decor demonstrate the eastern intentions. One particular portrait along the main entrance showed King Matthias, as well with his bearing of arms, a raven with a gold ring. By his side, two knights dressed in black armor, symbolizing the black army of Hungary. Formerly working for the Hungarian Habsburg King, after his death, the black army became mercenaries and raided their own country. Fun fact, Vlad "the Impaler" Dracula once was general of this army.

        To lay it on the line, I'm very grateful for this style of cathedral. Ever since I began touring this trip of the Danube Castles and Legends, it's been stained glass, marble pillars, symmetry, and squares. This cathedral, not only was decorated completely differently from the rest of Roman Catholic, but it also wasn't perfectly symmetric. If one was keen enough, he or she might notice the slightest shifts of the door and windows to the left. An outside view revealed nothing, yet the interior gave away the lacking technology at the time of construction. Minor points, but all evidence of the spectacular had the difference between this cathedral and others.

        Today, however, marks the end of my European journey. The Danube River, our main objective, was complete, even though only traveling a small portion of is depressing. The silver lining: There is a further opportunity in the future. This river flows along some of the most musical and historic areas in the world, and I'm glad mom and I went on this stretch of the river, experiencing great moments in music, history, and scenery.

        Granted, it is becoming a familiar sight, visiting Europe. To be straight with you, this continent deserves more attention, especially with such a vibrant history. The Asian cultures, even with older age, is nothing like the interactions of early western civilizations. North America, with an exciting three hundred years, has way too short a history. So, if there is a continent to continuously explore, I can't think of a better place than Europe.

        Final fun fact: I'm coming back to Europe next month for another river cruise. With Viking River Cruise once again, mom and I are going to discover the Rhine River. Spoilers, mom believes the Rhine River is much better. I guess I'll have to see.


        到了最後一天? 沒錯。說句心裡話,小型遊輪從來都不符合我的風格,正式點餐徹夜長聊並非合乎我的胃口,其實本人根本不在意高大上的食物與服務,關鍵在於遊輪能否提供優質岸上遊覽項目,特別是在停靠像匈牙利首都布達佩斯這樣的主要港口期間。







Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2016: Belfast—Linenopolis, NIR(北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特—亞麻大都會)

2016: Gaelic Towns, NIR(北愛爾蘭愛爾蘭蓋爾村鎮)

2016: Glens of Antrim, NIR(北愛爾蘭安特里姆峽谷)

2016: Antrim Coast Road A2, NIR(北愛爾蘭安特里姆海岸A2公路)

2016: County Antrim the Lone Ridge, NIR(北愛爾蘭安特里姆郡—孤獨的農場)

2016: Giant's Causeway of NIR, UK(北愛爾蘭巨人堤道)

2014: YMCA Camp—Outdoor Pool-2(基督教青年會營戲水池之二)


Hungary (出遊匈牙利)


標 題 (必選項):
內 容 (選填項):
回國機票$360起 | 商務艙省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出爐:海航獲五星
海外華人福利!在線看陳建斌《三叉戟》熱血歸回 豪情築夢 高清免費看 無地區限制
一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
2019: 庸醫,真坑爹
2019: 中情局和塔利班合作。
2018: 中國還是一個社會主義國家嗎絕對不是!
2018: 美國和西方的公民捍衛民主法治,建立先
2017: “人工智能”科普
2017: 好久沒去,今天才發現隔壁鬧翻天了。
2016: 美國看膚色定等級,亞裔就是三等公民
2016: 英國人明智選擇了我2015年的第一個建議
2015: 其實,昨天我也去看牙了,咚咚還記得嗎
2015: 米國醫院不知有木有這樣的輸液中心