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Heidelberg the Dandy Horse, Germany(德國海德堡—駿馬之城)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月29日09:54:58 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



【Aiden in English】

        The first-day majority of tourists we ran into were Chinese in Heidelberg. It took a while.

        For the past few days, our Viking Kavsir has docked give-or-take thirty minutes from the actual destination. Today, moored in a business city of Mannheim on the bank of the Rhine, it used four busses to transport all of 187 passages to Heidelberg, standing at the cradle of the German Romantic movement. Why didn't Viking dock in Heidelberg? I don't know exactly how to make its way to the Neckar River that runs through the medieval town. All I noticed was that we were heading down the Continents up the Rhine, which spent a little more than double time on traveling than the one downstream. Furthermore, Viking sent more busses to pick us up from Heidelberg to Speyer, one of the oldest cities in Germany. Both places were forty-five minutes apart from Heidelberg. I understand even if the drive was for the ship to arrive at the next stop in a quicker time, but I would have to disagree regarding the sacrifice of my leisure time in town.

        On the other hand, Viking aimed at investing in the local culture and old town. Heidelberg is home to Germany's most romantic castle. In addition, the Heidelberg Univ. has been recognized as the oldest in Germany after it was found in 1386. The Heidelberg Castle was a minor, looming complex over the Neckar River in the background, which inspired the writers like Johann von Goethe and Mark Twain. No, the castle was actually the main focus. Residence for the Palatinate monarchy between the 13th and 18th centuries, this mix of Gothic and Renaissance architecture was later transformed into a military fortress. Unfortunately, it didn't last too long. Attacked by the French during War of the Palatinate Succession in 1693, Louis the XIV made sure of the castle's destruction. In ruins, not much of the remaining decor could be distinguished from the red sandstone. Most of the buildings had to be derived from speculation and 'science'. Within the walls sat a prize that many adults would die for. The world's largest barrel, 250-year-old vat shaped from 130 oak trees that used to hold 220,000 liters/58,118 gallons of wine, sat surrounded by stairs in a very large cellar. We could walk through the cellar, as it was blocked by the barrel. If contained wine, nowadays it captures peoples' attention. But like wine, it evaporated quickly, especially when there's an entire town to be explored.

        Heidelberg's local culture is also a key site of our trip. The town center, thrived through its cobblestone paths, was quite large. Regardless, mom and I traversed most of the area in two hours or so, picking up some gelato on the go. It didn't look as glorious as Rome. The more important sightseeing was the Philosopher's Walk, a long and steep section of road dedicated to the fit and younger kids. The climb upwards was a difficult task, taking nearly half an hour through winding steps and narrow paths on uneven footing. Why did we attempt to reach such an ordinary path? Well, Mark Twain once visited Heidelberg, and upon seeing the majestic castle, he praised it "the last possibility of the beautiful". I don't really get what he said. Something about the trees around it... perhaps a bit on the light from the heavens and ... photoshop. Anyhow, we reached the walk on the hillside, and the panoramic view really was quite spectacular. If only we weren't breathing so hard. (I was okay. Mom wasn't.) Nevertheless, I thought the climb was worth it. Yet no fantastic picture of the quality that Mark Twain described could be taken due to the countless amounts of trees in the way. Instead of continuing to look for a view, mom was lazy and we headed back down the same road up.

        Heidelberg is one of the most influential towns on our to-do list, which says a lot about this journey. Not focusing on the sights of main attractions, these two weeks are spent drinking in culture. To be honest, it is really hard for me to soak up every drop of culture, especially with no alcohol in my system since I'm still underage, even for Germans.







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2015: Garden Expo Park, Beijing(北京園博園)

2014: Scrimmage in Soccer Practice(足球訓練中的混戰)




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