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送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年07月07日13:01:09 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        Stories are full of good characters. They can be liked, savored, enjoyed by the reader. Authors tend to use these positive characters as protagonists. However, not all characters are made perfect. In fact, most characters have and should have some sort of conflicting trait within. Sometimes, the trait even sways the reader’s position on how he or she feels. Pip, an orphan from Great Expectations, is an example of such. Therefore, unlike many other protagonists, Pip is not as likable due to many flaws within him.

        Great Expectations takes place during a time when society is in such distinct classes that moving up the social ladder is nearly impossible. When Pip is suddenly transported from a life as a peasant up to a gentleman, things are thrown into chaos. Attempting to adapt to city life, Pip becomes gradually more self-centered and spoiled, which by no means is his fault. However, Pip is unable to balance his life, forgetting his past all too quickly. The first major sign of this negative change in Pip occurs when his elder brother-in-law Joe comes to visit him in London.  By then, Pip had already settled into a normal routine around the city, as well as accepted his new life. Pip wishes to demonstrate his new social class by welcoming Joe not personally but with his servant. “[The] Avenger, pursuant to orders, was in the hall… and announced” (210) Joe’s arrival, which immediately tenses relations between father figure and son. The continued repetition of “sir” in Joe’s dialogues show the effect on his perception of social difference, which reverts back to Pip’s cold welcome to a family member. This moment in the plot brands Pip as a cold, boastful child who receives lavish opportunity without much work at all. Characteristics that mark Pip as unlikeable.

        Adolescence is commonly said to be the most difficult time of any person’s life. The story of Pip and his adventures come at quite an inopportune time, mostly revolving around a transition from a young child through his teenage years, in which many events occur that probably would have given Pip stress. Perhaps a good excuse for Pip’s major imperfections would be his age, but that cannot exclude all the things his parents taught him or common sense. Pip’s judgment is another reason why he is not likable. A prime example presents itself every time Pip converses with Estella. A beautiful girl with an ugly heart, Estella is a cold-blooded demon raised by a creepy foster mother, Miss Havisham who lives in an empty haunted house. Common sense would be to stay away from Estella, but Pip is continuously dragged into her traps. Pip is a shallow man that doesn’t see past what Estella is on the inside. Some may say he is persistent, but it is not as if Estella is attempting to like Pip. In fact, when talking about love, she describes herself as having “no heart” (228) and “no softness there” (229). In addition, Pip continues to pursue this girl who calls him “a stupid, clumsy laboring-boy” (58) and verbally beats him for his social differences. Granted, during a time were marrying for money is a very popular and cultural passage, Pip has good friends like Biddy to hang around with. As Pip is forced to move away, it is amazing to see how fast he forgets Biddy, furthermore proving his lack of judgment and even trustworthiness. Regardless of how much pain Estella inflicts, or the number of connections to his past he has to snap, Pip’s judgment is a horrendous trait that makes readers wince.

        People say that your environment shapes who you are, which is true. However, each person still holds onto his or her own deepest values, regardless of his or her environment. It is the very morals that the world is filled with billions of unique personalities. Therefore the most unlikeable trait of Pip is how quickly he changes his values. Near the beginning of the story, Pip is an innocent adopted son of a blacksmith, scared as to even steal from parents. Meeting Estella, Pip is touched by the upper class and immediately undergoes of series of horrible emotions. During a game of cards with Estella, she states that his hands are coarse, possibly implying that he is of a lower social level. Pip, who “had never thought of being ashamed of his hands before” (58), is torn apart. Instead of retaining his original virtues taught to him by his parents, Pip is influenced by Estella’s presence, so much that “it became infectious, and [Pip] caught it” (58). Tainting Pip, he goes on to transform into a character like Estella, cold to even his own loving father. Pip is an unconfident, easily-influenced protagonist that cannot hold on to even the most basic values he has established. 

        From poor and innocent to rich and snobby, Pip becomes an annoying, unlikeable character that presents many undesirable traits. The issues that lie beneath in his character unveil themselves through the test of time, money, and Estella. Dickens created a boy who would transfix the world in an all-time classic, only to make him full of horrible flaws that taint even the readers’ hearts.





        都說環境改變人,這句話千真萬確。然而不管環境如何,人人都有根深蒂固的價值觀,由於道德品質各異,個性才會迥然不同,照此說來,最不可思議的地方莫過於皮普價值觀變化神速。故事開頭介紹皮普是一位鐵匠收養的天真男孩,甚至害怕背着父母動用任何東西;遇到艾絲黛拉後,皮普備受上流社會影響,情感方面頓時發生一系列劇變。跟艾絲黛拉打牌的時候,她挖苦皮普手糙,言外之意暗諷他出身貧寒, 這讓“以前從沒為手感到羞愧”(第58頁)的皮普難過透頂,在艾絲黛拉影響下,皮普不是保持父母教導的樸實美德,而是“跟着學壞,變得勢利起來”(第58頁)。染上惡習的皮普在性格上越變越像艾絲黛拉,以致疏遠自己慈愛的父親;他自卑易變,連本人信奉的道德底線都堅守不住。


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Great Expectations.JPG


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