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Sorrento and Amalfi Coast, Italy(意大利蘇蓮托與阿瑪菲海岸)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年07月13日08:56:04 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Amalfi Coast0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        Welcome to the first of two stops I've already been to. Today's hot spot was Naples, a beautiful city with a lot of history, but one I happened to be to. So, we decided to go to Sorrento... another place we've also stopped by. That's alright since the main attraction would be the Amalfi coastal drive in the afternoon. 

        Sorrento and Naples, two iconic Italian places I've been three years ago. However, they also two iconic sites I'll gladly return to. In addition, my memory only gives a blurry recollection of Sorrento, so why not go back? While strolling through the town center, I ran over some areas that triggered brief flashbacks to when I didn't worry about grades. A cute balcony here, a giant lemon there, and each one were taking me back three years.

        But that's not why we chose this trip. The afternoon drive across the famous Amalfi Coast over the Tyrrhenian Sea was the real pot of gold on this trip. I saw multiple photos on a preview earlier and was excited to get on the road. Just one problem... I was sleepy after a retreat at sea yesterday. Really sleepy. I think it was a food coma, but I crashed right before getting to the coastal area. So essentially, I watched the greatest coastline I've ever seen fly by through eye slits. Luckily, the bus was forced to take a ten minute stop in order to let traffic pass on a one-way road and we caught a glimpse of such dazzling panorama. Yes, the road was so narrow that only one car could pass at a time like the Road to Hena in Maui of Hawaii. Adding to that, the singular road twisted and winded around cliffs hanging over emerald waters. It's a thing of fairy tales. It also appears in almost every racing movie due to the breath-taking drop-dead scenery. 

        To the right, the Caribbean waters of the Bahamas. To the left, the Andes of Chile.  A singular strip of concrete separating two worlds. Small, terra-cotta roofed buildings, colorful, pulled straight from a children's book. I don't think there's a more beautiful coastline I've ever seen. Yeah, although Easter Island was nice, it was pure nature and cliffs plunging into the cold Pacific. Be honest, they have nothing on the magical waters. 

        We did eventually stop at Amalfi, one of the capital Maritime republics of Duchy of Amalfi on the coastal drive. It consisted of touristic shops, gelato parlors, Cathedral of Sant'Andrea, and a few residential buildings with their erstwhile splendor. Most of the area is designated purely for tourists, as demonstrated by the local food, souvenirs, and most of all, prices. Walking down the single main street of Via Pietro Capuano, we discovered that we can never have too many gelato stands. Also, I satisfied my Hazelnut gelato cravings. Afterward, it was back on the bus, and finishing up the Amalfi Coast.

        Tomorrow, it will be stop number two of the places I've been to. While Rome is a city I would love to return to, the world is large, and there is much to see. So I guess I'll have to 'rome' along.








Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2016: Seine Estuary, France(法國塞納河口)

2016: Le Havre the Rebuilt City, France(法國勒阿弗爾—重建之城)

2016: The Seine in Paris, France(法國巴黎塞納河畔)

2016: Public Arts in Paris, France(法國巴黎公共藝術)

2016: Paris the City of Lights, France(法國巴黎—光明之城)

2016: Capital Paris, France(法國首都巴黎)

2014: GHCS Camp—Chinese Chess(光華營中國像棋)


2015: Lemons in Capri, Italy(意大利卡普里島的檸檬)



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